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Portions and food frequencies: how to balance daily diet

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Portions and food frequencies: how to balance daily diet

One of the simple dietary rules that allow us to stay fit and live healthy is contained in number 5: eat 5 times a day, three main meals and two snacks.

Full fridge (Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay)


We live in the country of Mediterranean diet and therefore are also facilitated in the fact of finding foods that are always fresh and rich in vitamins, polyphenols, mineral salts and essential amino acids.

Nutritionists have always recommended it as a practice to stay healthy and purify the liver and organs in the best possible way. Not only foods of certain origin and processing, but also a diet dictated by rigid and certain dictates, such as the calorie intake which must be divided into 5 meals.

The rule of 5 wants that you eat 5 times a day, with three main meals and two snacks in the morning and afternoon. Breakfast 20% of total calories, lunch 35%, dinner 25%, snacks 10 + 10%.

The intake (quantity) of calories of a correct diet must be balanced and also divided according to the frequency of daily and weekly intake. So let’s try to clarify this.

Daily and weekly frequency of foods, guidelines

IFMeD (International Foundation of Mediterranea Diet) has published guidelines that can be elaborated as in the following table and which we are now going to describe in its entirety.


Portions and food frequencies: how to balance the daily and weekly diet
Daily-weekly food frequency (www.educazionenutrizioni.granapadano.it)

Per fruits and vegetables at least 3 portions (of vegetables) per day and 2-3 of seasonal fruits are recommended. It is always good to choose fruits and vegetables of all colors, therefore white, green, red, yellow / orange, purple / blue.

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Milk and derivatives 2-3 portions a day should be taken, 1-2 of which are preferably partially skimmed milk or yogurt, while cheeses should be eaten 2-3 times a week.

Le proteins (red and white meat, legumes, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, etc.), although they are essential for renewing the tissues of our body and slowing down the natural physiological reduction of muscles, they must not be taken beyond the indicated limit.

So no more than two to three times a week because you risk straining your kidneys with potential health problems. However, according to some recent research, the eggs were spent up to 2-4 a week and no longer just 1.

About 250 grams per day of carbohydrates are the normal status to be able to supply all our fabrics. Contrary to popular belief, falling below this threshold is counterproductive if you want to lose weight.

The sausages usually very fat and rich in salt, they should be consumed only occasionally while the sliced (cooked ham, raw ham, turkey breast and bresaola) being leaner, they are allowed twice a week. THE legumes at least 2-3 times a week.

Mediterranean diet Dietidea -4 kg in 7 days
Mediterranean diet (Photo by rh2010 AdobeStock)

I grassi they must be kept under control most of all: they are divided into saturated (animal world) and unsaturated (vegetable and animal). The former are responsible for the increase in cholesterol so they are the ones that most of all are to be kept in check, especially with the intake of red meat and oil. Always prefer the use of organic extra virgin olive oil.

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