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masks at work and smart working, here’s what will change

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masks at work and smart working, here’s what will change

One out of 40 people is positive. It means that in a condominium, even a medium-sized one, there is at least one infected person. The data is that of Lazio, one of the regions that has the most significant increase, together with Campania and Lombardy, every day of cases. In today’s meeting between experts from Ministries and social partners, as anticipated for days, we are moving towards the confirmation of the use of masks in the workplace. The Ffp2 must be used, the temperature must not exceed 37.5 and it is encouraged smart working to protect fragile workers.

But will indoor masks be mandatory again for everyone? For now, the Ministry of Health excludes it, also because Italy would be the only European country to foresee it, while other nations no longer disseminate the numbers on infections or have eliminated the quarantine obligation for positives.

Omicron, over 20 thousand cases in Lazio. D’Amato: “I will ask for the obligation of masks”

The experience of Portugal which has had a surge with the Omicron 5 before Italy, but now it is already starting to fall, giving hope for a cooling of the curve by the end of July. But there are two unknowns: the first was indicated by Professor Walter Ricciardi of the Catholic University of Rome. By letting the virus circulate undisturbed in the summer, we then risk a dramatic autumn. The return of the obligation of masks in October appears to be taken for granted, while Minister Speranza to the Lazio councilor D’Amato say that the era of closures is over. The other unknown is the risk of chaos due to such a large number of positives because public but also private services could trudge. To give an example, today the Sardinian press reports the news of the cancellation of the Volotea airline’s flights to the island because it is unable to replace the staff blocked by Covid.

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The Gimbe foundation warns: with an average of 55 thousand cases a day, masks must be worn indoors, circulation is underestimated and it is essential to administer the fourth thing to the frail. According to Professor Massimo Ciccozzi, of the Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, it is urgent to restore the obligation to wear a mask in closed and crowded use. “With this circulation of the virus it is a serious mistake not to protect yourself,” he explains. The Lazio health councilor, Alessio D’Amato, in an interview with Messaggero, launched an appeal to the government: «With cases on the rise, the obligation to restore masks is inevitable. But it has to be a national decision, not a single region decision. Those who say that tourism must be protected do not understand that without masks they penalize them. If all the staff in hotels and restaurants get infected, how do you ensure services to tourists? ». In summary: for your health but also to avoid seeing your holiday plans ruined, use a mask indoors even if it is not an obligation.

Bassetti: “In July, a large part of Italy will be in lockdown: there will be 2-3 million positives in isolation”

On the hospitalization front, there is an increase, albeit a slight one. Intensive care, on a national basis, has reached an employment rate of 3 percent. The data must always be weighed: hospitalizations are not necessarily caused by Covid, if the virus circulates a lot it is statistically probable that among those hospitalized with other pathologies they are positive. At the same time this should not reassure us: a positive patient however complicates the work of the wards. Furthermore, Covid risks aggravating other pathologies.

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What will happen in the fall? The Ministry of Health has already announced it: there will be a new vaccination campaign, but with vaccines adapted to the new variants, with the same strategy that is used every year for the flu.

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