Home » Elevator crashes from the fifth floor, three seriously injured

Elevator crashes from the fifth floor, three seriously injured

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Elevator crashes from the fifth floor, three seriously injured

The sound of a crash, screams and then the ambulances that pierce the silence of the early afternoon in Brancaccio. For reasons still to be defined, an elevator crashed from the fifth floor of a building in via Vincenzo Balistreri, on the outskirts of Palermo.

The accident allegedly occurred while maintenance was underway. The victims would be two workers and a woman who was in the cabin.

According to an initial reconstruction, the accident occurred while maintenance work was in progress. Inside there were two workers and a woman, who together with them reached the fifth floor. Suddenly, one of the steel ropes holding the cage would break and the elevator would crash. A flight of at least fifteen meters. The crash jolted all the condominiums who immediately looked out onto the balconies to understand what had happened and alerted the rescuers.

Firefighters and 118 personnel immediately intervened on the spot, while the police are already at work to try to understand the causes of the accident.

The news spread quickly in Brancaccio, in front of the building, which shows all the years that have passed since it was built, immediately several people gathered. “They are all excellent parishioners, I always see them here at Mass”, says Don Ugo di Marzo, parish priest of the neighborhood who is rushing to the place.

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