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the Region changes the leadership of the Local Health Authority and the Department “

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the Region changes the leadership of the Local Health Authority and the Department “

“The president of the Region Marco Marsilio will certainly not be remembered as the savior of Abruzzo healthcare, given the bad results of these years in every sector and in every territory. He could, however, be remembered at least as the one he tried, if only he had the courage to attempt a desperate turnaround by clearing the leaders of the Asl Lanciano-Vasto-Chieti and, perhaps, changing the councilor for health. ” The municipal councilor of Lanciano and member of the provincial board of Action, Giacinto Verna, goes down hard, calling the regional government to a strong intervention to change course to a public health adrift.

“The situation is precipitating in all the main centers of our ASL, starting with the hospitals of Lanciano, Vasto and Chieti”, says Verna, “it is enough to have to deal with visits and exams, or discuss with health professionals to see in all its drama is a situation made up of a shortage of staff and beds, as well as of obsolete machinery that is eternally broken down that generate endless waiting lists and increase passive mobility. Among the most striking examples is the Lanciano emergency room, on which everything has been staked to make numbers / accesses, but where today the few staff are exhausted and patients wait hours, perhaps to be diverted to other departments where they are also lacking. machinery and personnel “.

“In recent years, citizens were asking for results: in terms of health, those achieved by councilor Nicoletta Verì and general manager Thomas Schael are all negative”, the exponent of Action does not mince words, “it is not just what users perceive , but what important parts of the majority in the Region also think, who dispute its work and programming capacity. It is therefore enough to climb on the mirrors, occasionally pulling out convenient statistics or some convenience numbers. Abruzzo hospitals need machinery and staff to drastically cut intervention times and waiting lists, which have increased dramatically both for a delicate intervention and for a trivial check-up: this is what we bitterly reckon with every day we turn to. to public health, and it is on these points that those who manage our health care are indefensible “.

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“Schael’s last meeting with the head physicians of the Lanciano hospital is just the umpteenth episode of the farce that has been repeated for almost three years”, Verna emphasizes, “the manager chases situations and puts the patches on already torn clothes, it does not plan, it does not invest in equipment and in doctors and sanitary ware, except to make proclamations and meetings when the oxen have already escaped. One of the two: either those who manage the Abruzzo health system are unable to do so, or they ‘program’ the weakening to get to the closures. In both cases, the Abruzzese do not deserve to see the vertical drop in the level of health care yet. Marsilio put a hand on his conscience, and do something to prevent this havoc from continuing in the last years of his mandate, with all the dramatic consequences it entails for our daily life ”.

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