Home » Assisted suicide, Gheller case, Zaia: “I’ll go and see him: I’ll see what I can do for him.” Mina Welby: “I’ll write to him”

Assisted suicide, Gheller case, Zaia: “I’ll go and see him: I’ll see what I can do for him.” Mina Welby: “I’ll write to him”

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Assisted suicide, Gheller case, Zaia: “I’ll go and see him: I’ll see what I can do for him.”  Mina Welby: “I’ll write to him”

The appeal of Stefano Gheller, the 49-year-old from Cassola (Vicenza), suffering from birth from a severe form of muscular dystrophy, who recently wrote a letter to his Local Health Service asking her “to urgently activate the procedure envisaged for legal access to medically assisted suicide”, did not remained unheard, and with it also the desire to “get to know President Zaia in person”. President of the Veneto Region has indeed accepted his invitation: “I have read his story, I will absolutely make sure to meet him. I will go to see Mr. Stefano Gheller so we will have the opportunity to talk together about the topic and what I can do for him” .

Cappato: “We are close to Stefano”

The support of the Luca Coscioni association could not be missing: “We are close to Stefano Gheller, first of all on the human level, whatever his decision must be. From a legal point of view, the case of Federico Carboni has shown that, where the conditions established by the Constitutional Court are met, assisted suicide is practicable in Italy. We are confident that the verification process can take place in adequate times, without those boycotts and obstructions that the Marche Region has inflicted against Fabio Ridolfi, Federico Carboni and now ‘Antonio’, who has been waiting for an answer for 4 months. Too many have wanted to deceive that the issue of euthanasia concerns extreme and isolated cases. Instead, it is a question of an increasingly widespread social reality. “The radical emphasizes this Marco Cappato of the Luca Coscioni association. “In the meantime, after the Court chaired by Giuliano Amato prevented the referendum, the Parliament hesitates on a text labeled Pd -M5S which is pejorative compared to what is already possible in the current situation. The Luca Coscioni Association will continue, as we have done also with Stefano Gheller for some time in contact with Diego Silvestri and Mina Welby, to provide information and all forms of support to sick people who ask us “, concludes Cappato.

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Mina Welby: “I’ll write to Gheller soon”

“I’ll write to Stefano Gheller soon. He has the same disease as Piergiorgio and I have some experience. I know it is hard to eat and drink, so I was eager to communicate to Diego Silvestri some recommendations regarding food to avoid risks. “To tell beraking latest news Mina Welby explaining that he is in contact with the coordinator of the Coscioni cell of Vicenza-Padua, Diego Silvestri. “I hope that the ethics committee will study the case well, that Stefano’s answer will arrive quickly, that he will not have to wait long as in the case of Federico Carboni. Then he will decide if and when to carry out his choice. respected “, Mina Welby underlines, specifying that” this new case highlights how this reality is increasingly widespread “.

The mayor of Vicenza: “I’m pro life but also for the freedom of choice”

“When I went to see Stefano Ghellerin recent days, he announced to me for the first time – information kept confidential – that he would formalize the request to the Local Health Authority within a few days to be able to access medically assisted suicide “, he explained Francesco Ruccomayor of Vicenza and president of the Province.

“I have always personally had a pro life position, however I believe that in certain extreme situations, it is right – I also told Stefano – to leave the freedom to choose whether or not to face a path that puts an end to their sufferings. an ideological question, it is easy to judge – underlines the mayor -, but I think that living every day with excruciating pain, dying out day after day, is really hard. I am close to Stefano Gheller. I am for freedom of choice but Parliament decides, once and for all.
We cannot continue to pretend nothing has happened, to turn our heads away, it is a battle of civilization, I say this as a free citizen. I have met a reasonable, respectable person who has objective difficulties with his degenerative disease. Let Stefano Gheller be free to choose “.

See also  Euthanasia, Cardinal Zuppi: "Church contrary, but I would celebrate the funeral of those who choose assisted suicide"

Adinolfi: “Stopping the slaughter of the disabled”

Contrary to assisted suicide it is Mario Adinolfinational president of the People of the Family, who on the Gheller case states: “The slaughter of disabled people in Italy with state killings disguised as assisted suicides must be stopped immediately. The state must not collaborate in killing the disabled, it must help their lives, in concreteness. Enough pensions of 258 euros, enough enormous expenses that weigh all and only on the shoulders of families. The serious deception of Cappato and the Coscioni association is to pass off as a new civil right what is only a ferocious cut in health costs and of assistance to the incurable, because treating them costs a lot and killing them costs nothing “.

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