Home » High triglycerides? The foods to avoid, which are to get back to health

High triglycerides? The foods to avoid, which are to get back to health

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High triglycerides?  The foods to avoid, which are to get back to health

Let’s take a look, in situations with high triglycerides, at the foods to avoid to protect our health and prevent more serious consequences.

High triglycerides, foods to avoid there are indeed. If the level of these molecules ends up accumulating in excess, then there is trouble. In fact, it is they who contribute to the formation of adipose tissue.

Some very frequent foods (Pixabay)

Under normal conditions they should do from energy reserve, but when they are found in supernumerary we have an emergency situation potentially harmful to our health. In the case of high triglycerides, the foods to be avoided help to normalize the situation.

The consequences, in the event that we do not intervene or do not do it adequately, we risk having some cardiovascular consequences and also with pathologies capable of causing damage to the brain. So let’s see what are the foods to avoid in case of high triglycerides.

And we also learn what are the values ​​within which to remain. With less than 150 mg / dl we are fine. Fino a 199 mg/dl they are tall but the situation is manageable. We are already in a critical situation with triglycerides between 200 and 499 mg / dl, and then with one hypertriglyceridemia with values ​​above 500 mg / dl.

High triglyceride foods to avoid, the list of foods to avoid

We come to have high triglycerides in situations of obesity, with little or no physical activity and with pathologies such as diabetes, genetic alterations and metabolic syndrome. Under accusation are the following foods:

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Food that is bad for your health
Food that is bad for your health (Pixabay)
  • alcoholic;
  • carbonated or sugary drinks;
  • burro;
  • meat and sausages;
  • sweets;
  • refined and white flours;
  • fried food;
  • candied fruit;
  • fructose;
  • lard;
  • marmalade;
  • miele;
  • baked goods with too much vegetable fats;

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So it is more than essential to educate yourself to eat a healthy and balanced diet. As we can see, also healthy and natural foods like jam and honey they can have repercussions and give rise to contraindications.

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Even what is good, if eaten in excessive doses, ends up presenting a boomerang effect with relative repercussions for our health.

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In addition to eating without exaggeration and with a few snags, we always remember too to drink a lot (at least two liters of water per day) and to take some walks at a brisk pace three times a week at least.

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