Home » Lodi accidents, the government announces a logistics task force

Lodi accidents, the government announces a logistics task force

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ROMA – An ad hoc provision on the side of safety in the workplace. And a new logistics task force. The government tries to move some pawns to face two emergencies that in recent weeks have returned to the fore in the country, following that “karst” trend that has now defined them as long-standing unresolved issues. On the one hand, the post-pandemic economic recovery which is also bringing with it the return to the usual (unbearable) frequency of accidents and deaths at work. On the other hand, the clashes and protests of workers in the world of logistics, a ‘planet’ where rights and protections are not taken for granted.

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On the subject of safety in the workplace, and in particular in construction, which has always been the front line of this emergency, Andrea Orlando announces that “the definition of a Decree will arrive within the next week which will introduce a ‘Durc di Congruità’ (document of contributory regularity, ed), that is an element that clarifies how many people are needed to carry out a particular work. This – added the Minister of Labor – will take place with the comparison with the social partners but also integrates the choices made in the Simplification Decree on subcontracting “.

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According to Orlando, safety in the workplace “must be a great concern of ours because the restart is an absolutely positive fact but it can also introduce elements of confusion, overlap and risk. The sector I look at with great attention is construction. where the benefits of the 110% bonus from an economic point of view are positive, there is a growth in both turnover and employment. But it is also a sector at great risk “.

As for logistics, after the incidents in Lodi, the minister of labor spoke to the commissioner: “One fact confirms me and, that is, in the logistics chain there is a need to pay particular attention to the fact that there are phenomena of conflict also linked to the use of the workforce through more or less real cooperatives that I believe should raise our attention. It is a fundamental sector – he adds – as we have seen during the pandemic but also in very strong change. For this reason I will set up a task this week force between the National Labor Inspectorate, INPS and the Revenue Agency to acquire a series of elements on the subject, and obviously on the basis of this we will continue a discussion, which has already begun, with the social partners “.


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