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63-year-old Ma Renmei: Falling in love with dancing and model catwalk life is happy and happy-Social- Kaifeng Net

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63-year-old Ma Renmei: Falling in love with dancing and model catwalk life is happy and happy

Source: Bianliang Evening News

Author: Wei Haiyang

Release time: 2022-07-09 10:54:05

All-media reporter Wei Haiyang and intern Mao Wenyuan

In a literary performance in Jinmingchi Square, she wore a white dress, with an elegant and moving temperament; at the cultural and art festival in Shanghe Garden of Qingming Festival, she wore a cheongsam and fluttered with a pink umbrella, making people feel as if they had walked into the charming south of the Yangtze River. ; At the Spring Festival Friendship Performance in Wanda Plaza, accompanied by the beautiful melody of “Azalea”, she was dressed in black and red pants, with a generous manner and a bright smile… She is 63-year-old Ma Renmei this year. After retirement, she continued to practice dancing and model catwalks, creating beauty and happiness for herself and others’ lives.

In 2018, she stumbled across an elderly model catwalk on TV. After watching it, she thought it was very interesting, so she wanted to learn to model for catwalks. Speaking of learning, at the beginning, she organized several friends around her to study together. During the learning process, Ma Renmei humbly consulted professional teachers, and worked hard on model catwalk skills. With tenacity and enthusiasm, she quickly mastered the skills of model catwalks and taught her teammates selflessly – from the basic steps of a model catwalk, to hand posture, posture, expressions, to stage performances and operas and songs. She gave meticulous demonstrations and explanations. In the continuous learning of her and her teammates, their team has gradually grown to more than 70 people. After there were more people, she and her teammates divided the team into square dance team, model catwalk team, folk yangko team, opera team, etc. according to everyone’s preferences, and named their group the Kaifeng Colorful Art Troupe. Performances require props. In order to reduce everyone’s burden, Ma Renmei often uses her pension to purchase performance costumes and performance props. Now, she has invested 40,000 yuan successively. Every night she goes to the square dance. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, she attends dance training. At home, she doesn’t slack off. She trains her standing posture for half an hour every day and dances to two tunes.

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In 2018, she went to Guangdong to participate in the “China International Cheongsam Annual Ceremony and China Charming Women’s Fashion Week”. At that time, standing off the stage, she felt extremely nervous, but seeing the people on the stage walking with confidence and grace, and hearing the applause from the audience, she encouraged herself: “Since standing on this stage, we must Go on well.” After taking the stage, she was dressed in a white cheongsam, and her demeanor was dignified and beautiful, which won the audience’s applause. In that performance, she won the popular individual runner-up and entered the top ten of the plane competition.

“I used to be a teacher in an elementary school. Because I needed to manage a lot of children, I needed to raise the volume many times. Later, I practiced dancing and model catwalks. Now I can unconsciously pay attention to my volume when I speak. Not only that, but my demeanor has also improved.” Ma Renmei She said with a smile that after practice, her frozen shoulder has also improved. Through the practice of standing against the wall for half an hour, her old problem of back pain has also improved.

Today, dancing and model catwalks are no longer a matter of self-entertainment for Ma Renmei. She selflessly dedicates this happiness to others and often participates in various volunteer activities. “Based on the principle of my dedication and my happiness, it is very meaningful to make a little contribution to the society after retirement.” Ma Renmei said with a smile.

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