Home » Alpago Rugby confirms Liguori. “He’ll make the kids grow up”

Alpago Rugby confirms Liguori. “He’ll make the kids grow up”

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Alpago Rugby confirms Liguori.  “He’ll make the kids grow up”

Luigi Liguori

The coach will still be joined by deputy Gianluca Zanon. The athletic trainer Andrea Rubiero is added: he is back on the roster many under 19s


Alpago confirms Gigi Liguori. The news was in the air. The sporting director Giovanni Calvi will make the continuation of the relationship official: «Gigi Liguori and his deputy Gianluca Zanon have been confirmed as the technical guide of the first team. To them, this year, the athletic trainer Andrea Rubiero joins them. For the latter it can be said that it is a very welcome return. Andrea started playing rugby here with us many years ago and he returns making himself available to the first team ».

Calvi enters into the merits of Liguori’s two years of work: «He came to us immediately after his promotion to C1. We had an already formed and growing group. We have a very young team and Gigi is aware both of the limits and of how much our players can still grow and improve. With these objectives, the coach has worked and is working very well together with Zanon. The results obtained so far are thanks to the boys but also to those who are leading them ».

“This year we experienced a particular championship,” continues the sporting director. «Just think of the last phase, when some teams with numerical problems skipped matches declaring that it was attributable to Covid and magically returned to the field the following week. Despite this we have grown and in the last part of the championship we have beaten the teams that in the other group had conquered the top three positions. We also played against Trento which positioned itself behind Feltre. Even the first year with Liguori we had hit the playoffs but Covid stopped us ».

The roster of the first team will increase: “There are many additions of young boys because in recent years we have several players who come out of the under 19. Among other things, with the under 19 only, we will have other boys available and we will have a group young and more numerous ».

Precisely with regard to the single youth category (made up of players from the nurseries of Belluno, Feltre and Alpago), Calvi concludes: «The cause that led to this union is a bit of a stretch due to the numbers in the province. I see the union as a positive fact, because when we met, the three companies were on the same wavelength. We are aware that it will not be easy for a variety of reasons, however the group has good potential. I have some doubts about the numbers, which are worrying. If this is not reversed in the years to come, making a single team could become a practice. As far as the project is concerned, I am enthusiastic, since we have already set up a series of initiatives for this team ».

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