Home » Gratitude for a new era and a new journey – Jiaxing Civil Air Defense Office learns and implements the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress

Gratitude for a new era and a new journey – Jiaxing Civil Air Defense Office learns and implements the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress

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Gratitude for a new era and a new journey – Jiaxing Civil Air Defense Office learns and implements the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress

Gratitude for the new era and forging ahead with a new journey

——Jiaxing Civil Air Defense Office to study and implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress

Release date: 2022-07-11 10:17

Source of information: Municipal Civil Defense Office (Civil Defense Bureau)


On the afternoon of July 8, the Municipal Civil Air Defense Office studied and implemented the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress, and studied, deployed and implemented measures. Mao Yongzhong, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Civil Defense Office, presided over the meeting and gave a speech, and all the cadres and workers of the Municipal Civil Defense Office participated.

The meeting pointed out: The 15th Provincial Party Congress is a very important meeting for our province to enter a new journey of high-level comprehensive construction of socialist modernization, high-quality development and construction of a demonstration zone for common prosperity, marking the new historical orientation and development of Zhejiang. Struggle for the coordinates has started the great journey of “two first”. Secretary Yuan Jiajun’s report to the conference fully implements Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on Zhejiang work, comprehensively summarizes and reviews the work of the past five years, and scientifically draws a blueprint for Zhejiang’s development in the next five years. Strengthening the party’s overall leadership and comprehensively and strictly governing the party, the report closely focuses on the main line of faithfully implementing the “eight-eight strategies” and striving to build “important windows”, and proposes to deeply understand the “five strategic guidelines and 11 important aspects to follow”, Accurately grasping the “two advance” goals and the specific goals of “eight highlands”, striving to advance the main tasks of “10 focus”, and promoting “two establishments” and “two maintenance” are deeply rooted in common beliefs, which are the guiding principles for Zhejiang in the future. A period of action towards a new journey and a new future.

The meeting emphasized that the Municipal Civil Air Defense Office must resolutely shoulder the political responsibility, focus on studying and implementing the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress, and promote the construction of civil air defense to a new level and create a new situation.

The first is to learn and fully understand the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress. All cadres and workers should thoroughly study the work report of the Provincial Party Congress, deeply understand and grasp the core essence of the theme of the Provincial Party Congress, deeply understand and grasp the historic achievements made in the past five years, and deeply grasp the “five strategic guidelines and 11 important aspects to follow”. , deeply understand and grasp the “two first” goals and the “8 high ground” specific goals, deeply understand and grasp the “five work orientations” and “10 focus”, and deeply grasp the importance of strengthening the party’s overall leadership and comprehensively and strictly governing the party. deploy.

The second is to quickly rise up to study and implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress. The city’s civil air defense must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress, combine it with the study and implementation of the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee, and promote the normalization and long-term effect of party history learning and education, and the city is promoting Combining the various construction tasks of the civil air defense, we will promote the implementation of the decisions and deployments of the Provincial Party Congress with diligent and active responsibility. It is necessary to improve the political position, solidly perform the responsibilities and missions of wartime air defense, peacetime service, and emergency support, work hard and move forward bravely, strive to promote the high-quality development of Jiaxing’s civil air defense work, and contribute to the efforts to advance the “two firsts”. To meet the party’s 20th victory with practical actions.

The third is to use the high-quality development of civil air defense to help “two firsts” and “two firsts”. The civil air defense department must accurately grasp its own positioning, bear in mind the heavy trust of “forging an indestructible shield to protect the people” proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and gather the majestic forces leading and guaranteeing the “two firsts” and “two firsts”. It is necessary to adhere to the goal orientation, achieve “two maintenance”, consciously put national defense mobilization and civil air defense work in the overall situation of implementing the spirit of the provincial party congress to plan and promote, and constantly lead Jiaxing civil air defense work to continue to be at the forefront of the province. It is necessary to focus on creating “8 highlands” and “10 focus”, identify the focus and combination of Jiaxing’s civil air defense performance, boost the implementation of the provincial Party Congress’s decision-making and deployment in the field of civil air defense, and strive to promote the high-quality development of Jiaxing civil air defense.

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