Home » In July, the youthful and sweaty arena will be stimulated – the 2022 Nanhu District Primary and Secondary School Student Athletics Championships ended successfully

In July, the youthful and sweaty arena will be stimulated – the 2022 Nanhu District Primary and Secondary School Student Athletics Championships ended successfully

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In July, the youthful and sweaty arena will be stimulated – the 2022 Nanhu District Primary and Secondary School Student Athletics Championships ended successfully

In July, the youthful and sweaty arena will be stimulated – the 2022 Nanhu District Primary and Secondary School Student Athletics Championships ended successfully

Release date: 2022-07-12 09:47

Source of information: Municipal Education Bureau


The scorching sun in July is full of passion. On July 4, the three-day 2022 Nanhu District Primary and Middle School Students Track and Field Championships came to a successful conclusion at the track and field of the Nanhu Affiliated School of Beijing Normal University. There are 17 middle schools and 28 primary schools in the region, and more than 870 athletes compete on the same field.

In this competition, there are 3 groups for men and women in middle schools and 4 groups for men and women in primary schools. There are 18 competition items. way of distance.

In the past few days, the weather in Linxia has been scorching hot and the heat waves are rolling, but this did not make the athletes in the stadium slack. On the track and field, Ren sweats freely, and every participant is a winner. They dare to challenge themselves and challenge their limits. Everyone is interpreting a kind of strength, a kind of belief, a kind of struggle, a kind of passion.

What is tempered is extraordinary perseverance, what is contested is extraordinary physical strength, and what is fought is outstanding endurance. Listen! The howling wind is cheering the athletes. Galloping on the track, flying on the jumper, leaping on the sand pool, with sweat and fighting spirit, showing the youthful spirit of youth.

Nanhu District vigorously carries out various youth sports events including track and field events, aiming to provide youth with a sports competition platform for self-expression and competition, improve youth sports competition level, and promote the discovery and training of sports reserve talents. .

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