Home » Create a stable development environment to restore the confidence of market players – Xinhua English.news.cn

Create a stable development environment to restore the confidence of market players – Xinhua English.news.cn

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Original title: How to restore the confidence of market players

Since the beginning of this year, under the influence of multiple factors, the complexity, severity and uncertainty of my country’s economic development environment have increased, and market players have been affected to a certain extent.

Data show that by the end of May this year, there were about 160 million market players in my country. Looking forward to the second half of the year, it is necessary to further stabilize the expectations of market players and strengthen confidence in development.

Create a stable development environment

A plate of twice-cooked pork, a plate of hot and sour shredded potatoes, a pot of tomato and egg soup, and two bowls of rice. In a restaurant on Lama Temple Street in Beijing, this two-person set menu is only 33.6 yuan. “The reason for selling at a loss is to attract customers into the store.” On July 9, Li Fanglan, the restaurant operator, saw the reporter again, and she sighed that the business was not good in the first sentence. However, she also said that businesses are convinced that the future will be better.

In April 2020, when the reporter interviewed Li Fanglan for the first time, due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Beijing, the Lama Temple was temporarily closed, and her restaurant’s dine-in income plummeted from 10,000 yuan per day to about 800 yuan. Due to the main business of tourists, Li Fanglan knew nothing about the takeaway business at that time, and the restaurant business was bleak. Today, Li Fanglan has redecorated the storefront and maintains the operation, looking forward to the warming of the market.

The restaurant run by Li Fanglan is the epitome of what many market players have encountered. In this regard, the tourism industry feels quite profound. Zhang Zhining, deputy director of the Strategic Research Center of Ctrip Research Institute, said that according to incomplete statistics, since last year, various provinces have issued more than 100 notices of “suspend” and “resumption” of inter-provincial team tours, which has a great impact on industry confidence.

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Since the beginning of this year, with the scientific precision of epidemic prevention and control, many industries have seen hope. Zhang Zhining believes that with the effective control of the epidemic in various places, he hopes to help the tourism industry recover with more scientific and accurate epidemic prevention policies.

“The spread of the epidemic has indeed affected the normal operation of market entities.” Hu Qimu, chief researcher of Sinosteel Economic Research Institute, believes that if the epidemic prevention and control situation continues to improve, the supply and demand sides will continue to improve, and the market vitality will gradually recover. The Party Central Committee emphasized that “the epidemic must be prevented, the economy must be stabilized, and development must be safe”, and market players are looking forward to a more stable business environment.

Detailed implementation of supporting policies

On May 25th, a national teleconference on stabilizing the economy was held, requiring all localities to release all supportive policies; at the end of May, the State Council issued the “Notice on Printing and Distributing a Package of Policies and Measures to Stabilize the Economy”, requiring relevant policies to be implemented as soon as possible. It will have a greater policy effect on stabilizing the economy and helping enterprises to bail out.

Since the beginning of this year, the State Council and various ministries and commissions have intensively introduced relief policies for enterprises, and proposed to further increase government procurement support for small and medium-sized enterprises nationwide, expand the scope of the policy for full refund of value-added tax credits, and postpone payment of basic medical care for employees in stages. Payment of insurance premiums, etc.

At the same time, various localities have also introduced various forms of relief policies to help enterprises. At the end of May, Shanghai issued 50 policies and measures to help enterprises bail out and revive the economy; in July, Shenzhen issued “Several Measures for Solidly Promoting Stable Economic Growth”; The guarantee rate will be increased to 0.5%, and the first loan discount rate of eligible small, medium and micro enterprises will be increased to 40%.

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At present, the economy of many places is recovering, but the foundation is still unstable, and hard work is still needed. The central government requires that support policies should be fully developed, and proposes to work creatively to tap policy potential according to local conditions, so that market players can see that the country and governments at all levels are making continuous efforts, which is of great help in restoring confidence.

Hu Qimu believes that, unlike the previous two years, the industry side is the hardest hit this year, and the industry side is connected to consumption and employment. In addition to policies such as tax cuts and fee reductions, support measures should also act more directly on the industrial side, and use market-oriented means to repair the industrial chain. For example, there are a large number of state-owned and central enterprises in the upstream industry. In the process of resuming work and production, by releasing orders for upstream and downstream in advance, and actively purchasing high-quality products and services from SMEs, SMEs are driven to resume production and stabilize SMEs’ ​​expectations.

Accelerate the conversion of old and new kinetic energy

Hu Qimu believes that although some market players lack confidence in a short period of time, the factors that determine the competitiveness of my country’s real economy will not be lost due to the short-term impact of the epidemic. For example, large market size, complete industrial categories, technical level, labor quality, etc. In the second half of the year, it is necessary to use unconventional means to stabilize expectations and stabilize confidence, but also pay attention to precise assistance and avoid flooding, so as to realize the transformation of old and new economic kinetic energy.

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On the demand side, issuing subsidies and issuing consumer coupons has the fastest effect. Recently, Beijing tourism consumption coupons have been launched. Platform data shows that within 1 hour after the Beijing consumer coupons were launched, the search volume for hotels in the suburbs of Beijing increased by 21 times compared with the previous period. Li Fanglan told reporters that she hoped that consumer coupons should not be designated to use merchants, and the threshold for use should also be lowered, so that large and small merchants have the opportunity to receive support.

On the supply side, the auto market has also ushered in favorable policies. On July 7, 17 departments including the Ministry of Commerce issued the “Notice on Several Measures to Revitalize Automobile Circulation and Expand Automobile Consumption”, proposing to break the local protection of the new energy vehicle market, requiring each region not to set a local new energy vehicle model record catalog, and not to New energy vehicle product sales and consumption subsidies set unreasonable vehicle parameter indicators.

The reporter noticed that in the process of helping enterprises to bail out, although some policies were introduced in an emergency, they would also have a long-term impact on my country’s economy. For example, policies such as encouraging the consumption of new energy vehicles and breaking the local protection of the new energy vehicle market. As market competition becomes fairer and the business environment further improves, it will effectively increase the opportunities for market players to participate in fair competition, stimulate the vitality of market players, support enterprises to overcome difficult times, and lay a solid foundation for long-term development. (She Ying)

责编:张慕琛 ]

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