Home » Shock offer from Arabia for Cristiano Ronaldo: salary of 250 million in two years

Shock offer from Arabia for Cristiano Ronaldo: salary of 250 million in two years

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Shock offer from Arabia for Cristiano Ronaldo: salary of 250 million in two years

An operation worth 300 million, between the cost of the card and the engagement, to convince Cristiano Ronaldo to go and play in Saudi Arabia. This was reported by TVI and Cnn Portugal, explaining that an Arab club would have presented a proposal of 30 million to Manchester United, of 20 million to the player’s agents and of 250 million euros in two years to the Portuguese champion.

CR7, which at the moment has not reached his teammates on the Red Devils’ tours in Asia, was approached in this market session at Chelsea and Bayern Munich, as well as Rome and Barcelona.

He thought he was enough for himself and for others. Ronaldo, the ego crumbled by time


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