Home » Cybersecurity, 3 thousand companies with 30 thousand employees against web pirates

Cybersecurity, 3 thousand companies with 30 thousand employees against web pirates

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Cybersecurity, 3 thousand companies with 30 thousand employees against web pirates

With the pandemic and the extension of remote working and digital services, if there is one issue that is engaging businesses, it is cybersecurity. The progressive importance acquired by the need to protect business and data has led to the proliferation of anti-hacker companies which are now over 3 thousand, as explained by the data of a survey conducted by Unioncamere-Infocamere. And they grow to defend companies in a context where, in turn, web pirates appear increasingly structured into real companies.

The growth of cybersecurity sentinels

In the two-year period 2018-2020 the cybersecurity sentinels have achieved a growth of 32%, while in the last 9 months they have grown by 5%. Companies are growing, but also the number of employees: between 2020 and 2021 they went from 28,400 to 29,100, with an increase of 700 units. Taking an average, about 9 employees per company are obtained.

The mapping and concentration between Lazio and Lombardy

Going to map the boot, Unioncamere-InfoCamere found that the greatest concentration of these companies is in Lazio, where more than one company out of 5. is based. We are talking about 708 companies, equal to 22% of the total. In second place we find Lombardy (with 581 companies). Campania follows with 317 companies, Sicily with 216 and Veneto with 209. If we look at the number of employees, the companies that have created more job opportunities are in Lombardy, Lazio and Trentino Alto Adige which, with 18 thousand employees, they represent 62% of the entire sector. Campania is in sixth place, first among the regions of the South, with 1,461 employees which correspond to about 5% of the total.

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