Home » The Calusian Michele Pititto purchased from Borgaro already “sees” the D series

The Calusian Michele Pititto purchased from Borgaro already “sees” the D series

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The Calusian Michele Pititto purchased from Borgaro already “sees” the D series


Caluso’s 25-year-old striker Michele Pititto could land in Serie D or remain in Excellence and play for the top tiers of the standings. He is ready for this challenge with great enthusiasm and with the personal goal of achieving double figures of goals scored.

Having grown up in the youth sector of Ivrea, Cuneo and Volpiano, with the latter club he made his debut in the first team both in Promotion and in Excellence, before moving to Quincitava for two years and then joining the Pro Settimo Eureka.

From this summer, however, he is in Borgaro, with the Turin club that next year could also play Serie D in the event of a repechage and for Pititto it would be an absolute first time: «I’m excited for this new adventure. Whatever the championship we are going to play, I want to be ready from Tuesday 9 August, the day we will resume training for next season – explains Pititto -. Last year I scored eight goals, I have never scored double digits so far in my career and it would be nice to do it with the new jersey. If it is Excellence I will find my former team, Volpiano Pianese. I’m not looking for revenge, but it will certainly be a very important match for me, which I hope not to hear particularly. In Volpiano I played for both Mr. Scirè, Argentesi and Conta, with the latter who then wanted me also in Quincinetto – explains Pititto – now, however, all that matters is getting fit and being polished for the start of the preparation ».

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Pititto lives for the goal, a bit like his idol did, the Franco-Argentine bomber David Trezeguet: “I am a Juventus fan and I have always chosen Trezegol as a model – says Pititto – above all because in the last sixteen meters he often did not forgive . He knew where the ball was going and was clever at catching the opponent by surprise. I try to play his own game, but thanks to the support of my teammates who need a lot of inviting crosses. I hope to make the Borgaro fans happy with a season that we all hope will be very positive from all points of view ». –

Loris Ponsetto

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