Home » “It increases the risk of stroke”, we always use it when we cook: you stay dry

“It increases the risk of stroke”, we always use it when we cook: you stay dry

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“It increases the risk of stroke”, we always use it when we cook: you stay dry

Several studies have examined the danger of stroke, associating it with certain foods, believed to be the cause of a greater risk of hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke.

the dangerous food in our kitchens that increases the percentage of stroke – readquotidiano.it

Food plays a primary role for well-being and the possibility of getting sick or not from various diseases.

Many medical conditions common can increase the chances of having a stroke.High blood pressure is a major cause of stroke. It occurs when the blood pressure in the arteries and other blood vessels is too high.

There are often no symptoms of high blood pressure this is why it is good to check your blood pressure often. If you tend to have high blood pressure, you need to lower your blood pressure through lifestyle changes or medicines that can also lower your risk of stroke.

High cholesterol

Diet for health in heart dish
Diet for health in the dish of the heart – BedQuotidiano.it

Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance produced by the liver or found in some foods. The liver produces enough of it for your body’s needs, but we often get more cholesterol from the foods we eat.

If we take in more cholesterol than the body can use, the extra cholesterol can build up in the arteries, including those in the brain. This can lead to narrowing of the arteries, stroke, and other problems.

A blood test can tell your doctor if you have high cholesterol and triglycerides (a related type of fat) in your blood.

What increases the risk of stroke

Lstroke is a leading cause of mortality in different parts of the world, therefore adopting strategies to prevent stroke are of the utmost importance.

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Stroke – LettoQuotidiano.it

Studies have shown that, exceeding with the use of salt in food, in addition to being harmful to the heart, can increase the chances of having a stroke.

Exercise more, quit smoking, eat more fruits and vegetables, and avoid cholesterol-rich foods, such as cheese, burgers, and some desserts, are just some of the ways well known for improving cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of stroke to a minimum.

The results offer insights about which foods are associated with an increased risk of different types of stroke. This is now known given the considerable number of clinical studies performed.

These in fact highlighted, the strong relationship about, thegradual increase in blood pressure levels and the increased likelihood of suffering a stroke.

sale consumption

Often put on the table of the accused, as responsible for various issues we have salt. Yet the combination of salt and flavor is not so automatic.

Often used wildly, salt still has a negative effect on blood pressure. This is largely due excessive useit is in fact estimated that the individual average ranges from 6 to 12 grams per day.

When, on the contrary, nutritionists recommend a quantity of scarce 5 grams for a return to cardiovascular health.

Completely abolishing salt may seem too much of an effort to support as a one-time solution. There is a way to use less salt without indulging in appetizing and easy-to-use foods: the spices.

Obviously it is necessary to gradually decrease the quantities of salt normally used for cooking. Also one of the big mistakes is that of add salt to the table to make it even more savory.

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Moreover, even from a gastronomic point of view, the use of spices and herbs, guarantees pleasant aromas and flavors to the dish. Without considering that microelements that are beneficial to the body are contained in spices antioxidants and antiplatelet agents.

Spices such as: chilli and pepper, but also turmeric and saffron, or marjoram, thyme and rosemary, can be added to soups and make them more palatable with less salt.

Bowl with assortment of spices
Bowl with assortment of spices – LettoQuotidiano.it

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