Home » Carletti leaves the Malignani of Udine after more than twenty years as headmaster: “The school today goes beyond simple notions”

Carletti leaves the Malignani of Udine after more than twenty years as headmaster: “The school today goes beyond simple notions”

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Carletti leaves the Malignani of Udine after more than twenty years as headmaster: “The school today goes beyond simple notions”

UDINE. Another month and a half of work. Which will serve to perfect the handover with his successor, Oliviero Barbieri. Then, on 1 September, Andrea Carletti, 67 years old in October, will retire as eight director of Malignani, one of the Italian high schools with the highest number of students.

The last public presence on Saturday, at the ceremony for the delivery of 440 diplomas to the graduates who have just completed their secondary education cycle.

The first position as manager in 2001, at the educational club in via Riccardo Di Giusto, a few days before 11 September; the latest labors as a principal in a complex historical moment (euphemism) between Covid and the conflict in Ukraine.

Graduated from Marinelli and graduated in Agricultural Sciences in Bologna, Carletti left Malignani after having led the institutes in half the province.

Professor, let’s start like this: a thought for each stage of your career as headmaster.

«In via Riccardo a significant gymnasium, where collaboration with social workers, carabinieri and associations was daily. At Ellero the confrontation with the city, with the petty bourgeoisie.

At the Linussio-Gortani the memory of the opening of the catering course, today an excellence. At the Marinoni the first test, literally given that a year of evaluation was foreseen, as a tenured manager, with a school of great tradition. And then Copernicus, where we started experimental courses, such as the one in motor science ».

The longest experience is the last, at Malignani.

«With a school of international dimensions. We got to have 3,000 students, we had to limit the information activity to bring down the enrollments: it was necessary to guarantee the safety conditions in the school ”.

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Are there any achievements that make you particularly proud?

«Membership of the National Institute of Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research, collaboration with professional consortia, which allowed the school-work alternation to take off: we went from 600 to 1,500 students involved a year.

And then the agreement with the military corps, the Air Force in primis, which allow students to carry out internships at the II Stormo di Rivolto and the V Regiment Rigel di Casarsa, in exchange for services that the institute provides to the Corps. As part of this relationship, which was born in the 1940s, we obtained an Amx aircraft ».

Following his experience, two factors that have upset the planet. The first: the pandemic.

«It has heavily impacted on teaching: we have tried to interpret, and I think succeeding, the new methodologies imposed by distance teaching. Blended formulas were born, which could be a resource for the future. Not everything went well: the more fragile, less autonomous children got lost along the way. We have tried to give ample space to recovery paths, without blaming them ».

The second upheaval: the war.

“We have welcomed a dozen Ukrainian students, aged between 15 and 17, who come to learn the language. One of them, sixteen, returned to Ukraine in recent days, explaining that he was returning to his country to defend it. Imagining him enlisted torments me. Yesterday, during the delivery of diplomas, I said to my boys: the ethical values ​​of environmental protection and peace guide you in your work and study paths ».

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Seventeen years as a teacher, twenty-one as a head teacher: how much has the school changed in 38 years?

“Very, very much. Today schools are no longer isolated nuclei, but have been able to build networks with institutes and institutions. They create training opportunities that not only follow formal skills, but also those technical, or informal, qualifications that are essential for students. I am thinking of theatrical and artistic workshops, of sporting activities. There are kids who have fluctuating academic results, but explode at different times, and are then highly appreciated in the workplace ».

What about today’s kids?

“They suffered the conditioning of two years of the pandemic, it is indisputable. They are the digital generation, they know how to approach the world through that medium. But in terms of understanding reality they are not always equipped: there is often an altered perception, dictated by stereotyped visions from social networks. Risks they are not always aware of. It is an extremely fast generation in obtaining information and sharing information, but struggling to re-elaborate it ».

He will be retired from September: what will he dedicate himself to?

«I will rest, I ran in an exaggerated way: I feel a sense of fatigue that has become chronic. I’ll give myself a month of relaxation, then I’d like to devote myself to volunteering. And resume sport: ski mountaineering, first of all. I have some trips on my agenda: the first in the southern Azores, obviously with the bicycle in tow ».

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