Home » Political derby in the family in Azzano: he is in the majority, she is in the opposition

Political derby in the family in Azzano: he is in the majority, she is in the opposition

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Political derby in the family in Azzano: he is in the majority, she is in the opposition

AZZANO DECIMO. Five years ago Monica Padovan took the field with the Pd and placed fifth with 70 preferences. Five years ago Gabriele Pardini returned to competition with the civic Azzano 33082 obtaining 110 personal votes and third position.

Monica Padovan supported the mayoral candidate Marco Putto (center-left) and, as a majority councilor, obtained the proxies for European assets, maintenance and policies. Gabriele Pardini, who supported Angelo Segatto (center-right) who lost by a whisker, went to the opposition.

Five years later, the positions have reversed. Monica Padovan is the passionate of the Democratic Party, Gabriele Pardini the director of the civic Azzano 33082. Both leaders.

The center-left candidate Enrico Guin was defeated by that of the Brothers of Italy – civic list, Massimo Piccini. And the parties have reversed. Monica Padovan went to the opposition, Gabriele Pardini in the majority, new councilor with the same powers of the dem councilor, assets, maintenance, but also viability and transport.

“Heirs,” they joke. Because Monica Padovan, 47, and Gabriele Pardini, 62, have been living together since 2001. One in the majority and the other in the opposition first, one in the opposition and the other in the majority, then. Now, for fifteen days.

They have always been grinding politics. Monica Padovan – daughter of art of the former regional councilor of the then PCI and secretary of CGIL Giannino – is employed in a consulting firm, Gabriele Pardini – former councilor and councilor between 2002 and 2012 -, technical-commercial.

«I grew up in the headquarters of the PCI, I have always followed my father. Five years ago and last month I wanted to give my contribution because I believe in it ».

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It was she who said to him twenty years ago: why don’t you try to run for the city council? He was elected on the first try. Five years ago he was asked to reapply as it was considered an added value, despite the fact that he had remained in the refrigerator for five years.

The initial deal was: it was forbidden to talk about politics at home. It has been overcome. Now a joke circulates in Azzano Decimo: “Pardini is the most controlled commissioner.” Because the opposition has it at home.

The new councilor witnessed the counting on the field, between the polling stations: “At 11.20, looking at the packets of cards divided, I called my friends saying: we have already won”.

The outgoing managing director, as usual, followed the operations from the studio in Pordenone, in Viale Trieste: «Sergio Bolzonello also left from there. I viewed the messages and half an hour after the polls closed, as the defeat was evident, I went back to the polling station ».

“I haven’t talked to him for two days,” she says.

“Like it was my fault,” he says.

In the aftermath of the count, Monica Padovan went back to work without saying a word. “It took me two days to somatize.”

Gabriele Pardini, of course, was over the moon: “Good morning!” He said without getting an answer. “More than a rematch it is a restoration of the right roles”, he relaunches. “Because 60 percent of the Azzanese are center-right.”

48 hours later the peace agreement was reached. Like five years ago.

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We move on to political analysis.

“Divisions have never helped, in this case yes,” Pardini said. “Not having reunited the center-right by choice, after having seen us impose a candidate by the provincial secretariats, has rewarded us. Because we have decided to act from below, by nominating one of us, Massimo Piccini. And we were consistent in the second round, winning alone ».

“Gabriele has regained his enthusiasm, it is his revenge with respect to the betrayal he had received in the past,” confirms Monica Padovan.

Then he goes back to his house, the Democratic Party. “The first time I was in the majority, now in the opposition. The role is stimulating, however, controller. In the electoral campaign we tried to give our best, proposing a concrete electoral program, with a candidate for mayor, Enrico Guin, chosen in a serene way ».

Serenissima, no, since there have been farewells. “We don’t see everything in a negative way. From here we start again to open the party to new generations and to those who had distanced themselves over time, perhaps because we were too concentrated in administrative activities. The personalization of the party does not lead anywhere, I believe in a team ».

In the majority or in the opposition, that’s okay, “at least when you have a passion for your country.”

Are we talking about politics at the Pardini / Padovan home? «Of administration and things done and to be done well. Whatever happens, civic sense and responsibility prevail for the best path to take. We exchange opinions and suggestions and we will continue like this ».

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But there is no shortage of skirmishes, even when the polls are closed. «I oppose. It is not that with the commissioner at home I save myself ». Imagine who spoke. «He and Massimo Piccini made minimal opposition for five years. They will do theirs, I will do mine ».

The reply is very close: «Three proposals? Three thousand! Anyway, the answer was always the same: we had already thought of it ourselves. In fact … we saw how it went ».

The electoral campaign brought out an element: “Playing with words and slogans everyone in the spring fell in love with Azzano Decimo”.

Pardini / Padovan in unison: “Now we will see it.”

Monica and Gabriele conducted a traditional election campaign, door to door. “I recognize Monica as being very active both in administration and in the electoral campaign,” says the new councilor. Then he continues: «But the noise of my Vespa can be heard everywhere. I am an atypical councilor, the reception of the public has no timetable, the contact with citizens is direct. Can’t they come to the town hall? It’s not a problem, I’ll go to their house ».

Monica looks at him and smiles. She suggests that the challenge will be interesting.

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