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Coach Pavia, one step agreement with Mazzetti, the former Busto Arsizio favorite over Ciarpella

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Coach Pavia, one step agreement with Mazzetti, the former Busto Arsizio favorite over Ciarpella

The signature has been postponed for bureaucratic issues, but the choice seems to have been made. Ghirelli, who trained Desio, has been discarded


Omnia is tightening for the new coach, even if the white smoke expected for yesterday has been postponed by a few days. Some bureaucratic problems that arose in extremis prevented the contract from being put on paper, but we are now at the final squeeze. On the name of the post-Ducarello coach (the Sicilian coach greeted Pavia to make an agreement with Cantù, where he will be the deputy of the former Azzurri coach Meo Sacchetti), but something transpires. It seems that the choice is now limited to a shortlist of three names: Gabriele Ghirelli, Alberto Mazzetti and Marco Ciarpella, with Mazzetti on pole.

The triad

The first trained last season in Desio, the second in Busto Arsizio and the third two years ago in Montegranaro, before giving way to Massimiliano Baldiraghi. Ghirelli in Desio has always given his best since his first experiences in the youth sector, where he won participation in various national finals, brought Rimadesio back to Serie B, after the victory in the C gold championship, and won the play off in the season just ended. The other profile, given as a favorite, is that of Mazzetti, the 38-year-old coach who last season led Busto Arsizio to promotion to cadet. The bustocco club, however, then gave up on Serie B and sold the right, much to the disappointment of Mazzetti, who had done so much to win promotion. Finally, the very young Marco Ciarpella, born in 1994, who after driving the Sutor Montegaranaro last year stopped at the beginning of the season, only to marry in Fabriano.

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In the ranking of approval, Mazzetti seems to be the favorite, ahead of Ciarpella and with Ghirelli who appears the least considered by the Pavia club, who also contacted him, like the other two, but then discarded him. Therefore, Mazzetti and Ciarpella remain in contention, both young and both with Serie B experiences and young people to grow. Perhaps more experienced Mazzetti who drove, before Busto, Palermo in Serie B and was Dalmasson’s deputy in A1 in Trieste, while Ciarpella is more used to managing the young Ciarpella. In short, a difficult choice and we will see between tomorrow and Tuesday which of the two will be made official by the Pavia club. Then off to the construction of the roster: captain Marco Torgano is currently the only one who has not signed with other teams.

Meanwhile, the start and end dates of the 2022-23 championship have been announced: the regular season will start on Sunday 2 October and end on Sunday 7 May, with the start of the playoffs the following week. –

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