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Draghi at the G7: cooperate with Beijing but without discounts

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CORBIS BAY – Mario Draghi defines it as a “realistic” summit that laid the foundations for the post-pandemic recovery, which registered satisfaction for the economic recovery but which also looks with concern at the challenges that await us, from climate change to compliance with fundamental rights of countries like China with which “one must still cooperate”. But no one, added Draghi, has posed the problem (which in any case we will “evaluate”) of the Italian agreements on the new Silk Road.

China: cooperation, competition, openness

The Italian prime minister, in the final press conference of the G7 in Corbis Bay, plays down the divisions that have emerged with respect to China. “Of course – explains Draghi – we must be frank about the things we do not share and accept but we must also cooperate with them”. After all, adds Draghi, “the final statement perfectly reflects our position on China”. An attitude, that of the governments that are part of the G7, which must be based on three principles: cooperation, competition, frankness.


First of all, cooperate especially on the climate (the EU’s CO2 emissions are 3% of China’s total 30%). Then compete economically and financially with China because no one disputes that China has every right to be a great economy but human rights and coercive detentions are at stake. According to Draghi, it is an “autocracy that does not adhere to multilateral rules, does not share the same vision of the world as the democracies”. And finally, “we need to be very frank about the things we don’t share and don’t accept. Biden himself at one point said that silence is complicity ».

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Italy-USA: full agreement on Libya

“I have known Biden for some time but it was nice to see each other again,” says Draghi, referring to the interview he had yesterday on the sidelines of the summit. Biden has the widest willingness to work. It is only the reaffirmation of an ancient relationship that has never failed ». There is the common assessment on the situation of some crises and on the role that the US can play in the United Nations as for North Africa, G20 and reconstruction after pandemic but we will do it in a frank way by saying things that do not reconcile with our vision. of the world. “We – says Draghi – have been very active on Libya, we have seen the prime minister twice”. There is a great desire on the Libyan side to cooperate and make agreements, according to the Italian premier. And there is a lot of expectation from Italian companies with projects underway and others that are progressing but need a lasting ceasefire. This means that the fighters and mercenaries, the Syrians, the Russians and the Turks must leave Libya. “Only this – adds Draghi – is the way in which Libya can begin the reconstruction of the country.” The date of the December elections marks the demarcation between the state of chaos and a more orderly society but there is confidence in this government ”.

Climate: in Glasgow we will begin to seal commitments

Italy together with the UK will co-chair the Cop 26 summit in Glasgow in November. The G7 has already made many commitments, says Draghi, but Cop 26e will begin to seal some of these commitments both in terms of reducing emissions and financing in the fight against climate change. It is, added the Italian premier, of important expenses that amount to 390 billion dollars a year and according to some estimates in the next few years there will be 9 among the 10 countries most affected will be those with low and middle income. There is no time to find a sustainable alternative to fossils and therefore changes will have to be made within the next 10 years. Objectives that require consistency in national energy policies and if there is no evidence that other countries are also making progress, a tax will begin to apply that adjusts the difference in production costs to penalize those who use fossil fuels but this, warns Draghi ” it is the first step towards protectionism ».

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