Home » Virus transmitted by mosquitoes: what you need to know

Virus transmitted by mosquitoes: what you need to know

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Virus transmitted by mosquitoes: what you need to know

Mosquitoes can also be dangerous, if not fatal. There are several viruses that can be conveyed through a sting: all you need to know

Zanzara (Adobe)

During the summer, together with the heat that characterizes the high temperatures of the season, there are also the mosquitoes. Often underestimated, these insects are mostly associated with annoyances related to stings, which involve itch and in some cases skin irritations. The female mosquitoes are in fact characterized by the mouthparts, which are used to collect the proteins of blood, necessary to complete the maturation of egg.

It is through blood that they can vehicular some details infections, with worrying or even fatal implications. This is the tragic fate that has struck a 83enne in the province of Padua, which following a mosquito bite has contracted a very serious form of encephalitis given by West Nile. It is not the first time that there is a case in Italy of this and others virus linked to mosquito bites, dangerous and compromising for health.

Virus carrier mosquitoes

Virus mosquitoes
Mosquito repellent (Adobe)

Le mosquitoes they are very frequent unpleasant guests in estate, especially in the twilight hours. They are mainly associated with the hassles related to puncture, which create itching and irritation. However, they are very underestimated insects, as they are mainly considered unpleasant, but not dangerous at all. Belief disproved by the latest news, which tragically involve a 83enne del Padovano, who died from the consequences of severe encephalitis contracted following a puncture.

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A condition caused by the virus West Nile, which in mild form has symptoms such as fever, headache, generalized pain, fatigue and skin rashes. In the most serious cases, however, the consequences are important, from fever very high at convulsions. But this is not the only one virus which can be carried by mosquitoes, there are other dangers of transmission.

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Dengue fever, Chikungunya, Zika, Yellow fever are some of the infections related to pathogens transmissible through mosquito bites. Insects become vectors for viruses by biting infected people and infecting their next “victim”. Less harmless than one might think, mosquitoes are actually one of the causes of some epidemics, being the main reason for the expansion of some viruses around the world.

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