Home » Covid data in Italy today: 120,683 cases and 176 deaths. – Health

Covid data in Italy today: 120,683 cases and 176 deaths. – Health

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Covid data in Italy today: 120,683 cases and 176 deaths.  – Health

I’m 120,683 new infections from Covid recorded in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health. Yesterday the infected were 31,205. The victims they are instead 176: is the data highest since March 8th. Il rate is 23.2%substantially stable, and were performed in everything, including antigenic and molecular, 519,284 swabs. On the other hand, 413 patients are hospitalized in intensive care, 4 less than yesterday. Daily admissions are 50. There are 10,975 people admitted to ordinary wards, compared to 127 more than yesterday. Coronavirus positive Italians are currently 1,452,941, compared to yesterday 1,454 fewer. In total, 20,299,013 have been infected since the beginning of the pandemic, while the dead have risen to 170,213. The discharged and healed are 18,675,859 with an increase of 122,381.


The percentage of places in non-critical area hospital wards occupied by patients with Covid-19 rises by one percentage point over 24 hours in Italy, reaching 17%. The percentage of is also increased by one point terapie intensive occupied by Covid patients, which rises to 5%. Ѐ what emerges from the data ofNational Agency for Regional Health Services (Agenas) of July 18, published today. Both values ​​were at 2% exactly one year ago.

The percentage of posts in medical departments (or non-critical) occupied by Covid patients within 24 hours grows in 9 regions: Abruzzo (20%), Calabria (34%), Campania (19%), Emilia Romagna (18%), Friuli Venezia Giulia (23%), Marche (20%), Piedmont (9%), Umbria (43 %) and Valle d’Aosta (32%). Cala in Basilicata (26%). This is indicated by the data of the National Agency for Regional Health Services (Agenas) of 18 July, published today. The percentage of places in the ward occupied by Covid patients is stable in 11 regions: Lazio (16%), Liguria (25%), Lombardy (15%), Molise (11%), Pa Bolzano (20%), Pa Trento ( 18%), Puglia (19%), Sardinia (11%), Sicily (28%), Tuscany (15%) and Veneto (12%). In 7 regions the value exceeds 20%: Umbria (43%), Calabria (34%), Valle d’Aosta (32%), Sicily (28%), Basilicata (26%), Liguria (25%) and Friuli Venezia Giulia (23%).

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The occupancy of the seats in the terapie intensive by patients with Covid-19 grows in 5 regions but none exceeds the 10% threshold: Abruzzo (3%), Campania (7%), Emilia Romagna (6%), Pa Trento (3%) and Tuscany (6%). Cala in 3 regions: Calabria (8%), Marche (4%), Umbria (9%). It is stable in 11 regions or autonomous provinces: Friuli Venezia Giulia (3%), Lazio (8%), Liguria (6%), Lombardy (2%), Molise (5%), Pa Bolzano (3%), Piedmont (2%), Puglia (4%), Sardinia (5%), Sicily (6%) and Veneto (3%). In Basilicata (0%) and Valle d’Aosta (0%), the variation is not available.


Yesterday “I did the fourth dose of Covid vaccine. I think we can start getting revaccinated now. In my case, I had the last vaccination against Covid in October, the coupon had ‘expired’. Often the story of waiting for the cold, autumn, is brought up, but let’s think about now: it has been very hot for a month now and it seems that we have had many cases “. Giovanni Rezza, Director General of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, speaking to the General States of Long-term care. “This vaccine – he adds – protects against serious illness. It is what interests us, to keep congestion in hospitals low.”

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