Home » The League tears and takes Forza Italia with it: the government towards the end credits. Gelmini-Ronzulli clash: “Take a Xanax”

The League tears and takes Forza Italia with it: the government towards the end credits. Gelmini-Ronzulli clash: “Take a Xanax”

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The League tears and takes Forza Italia with it: the government towards the end credits.  Gelmini-Ronzulli clash: “Take a Xanax”

A long day of negotiations that ended in nothing. The center-right will vote only on its own motion and not that of Pierferdinando Casini on which the government, as proposed by Mario Draghi, has raised the question of trust. It is the move that closes the game, at least with sensational surprises.

By voting only for Calderoli’s resolution, which calls for the exclusion of the M5S and the de facto birth of a new government, the last hopes of giving the executive a future seem to vanish. The League forced its hand throughout the day, especially after listening to the words of Draghi, judged ungenerous towards them.

To get out of the impasse, the League made a proposal, “Making a new pact means a new majority without the 5 stars and a new government. This is what we ask,” said the group leader Massimiliano Romeo. But the tone of the Northern League senator did not bode well.

For many hours in the Democratic Party and in government circles, he relied on Silvio Berlusconi and his heralded desire for stability. Yet Forza Italia, despite having initially applauded Draghi’s first speech, then shared the hard line with the Lega.

The Berlusconians now risk a serious internal crisis, the governist wing, ministers in the lead, did not agree with the choice of leading the country to early elections. The ministers Gelmini and Carfagna, in open contrast to the top line, Tajani and Ronzulli, are tempted to leave the party. Hence the clash with vitriol exchange between Licia Ronzulli and Maria Stella Gelmini, among which notoriously there is bad blood. The two exponents of Forza Italia met in the corridors of the Senate, the minister talking with Senator Ferro noted that with the center-right resolution the government was brought down. The senator, Silvio Berlusconi’s right-hand man, as LaPresse recorded, would comment aloud – addressing Gelmini – “get yourself a Xanax”.

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