Home » The tools stolen from the craftsman of Bosconero Theft of ten thousand euros have been found

The tools stolen from the craftsman of Bosconero Theft of ten thousand euros have been found

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Most of those 104 power tools and pneumatic tools – drills, screwdrivers, various anchors – had been stolen from a Bosconero craftsman who deals with the supply and installation of fixtures, who had filed a detailed complaint with the carabinieri at the Volpiano station. last June 26.

The value of the theft is staggering for those who work on construction sites: the craftsman had suffered losses for about 10 thousand euros.

All to imagine the bitter surprise of the man who sees himself being taken away the tools that allow him to work from his van in the courtyard. The house, however, was equipped with surveillance cameras that captured two hooded men.

The raid on the home of the 50-year-old Romanian worker, residing in Turin, was conducted by the carabinieri of the Barbania station together with colleagues from the Venaria Reale radio unit. The materials were found in his garage during the house search. In all, the value of the stolen goods found was around 40 thousand euros.

The investigations, however, do not end there. Also because it seems that the man was only the terminal of a well-branched organization operating in the province of Turin.

According to investigators, it would be an organization dedicated to thefts on construction sites. In particular, precisely, of those tools that allow the realization of the works. And that today, thanks to the expensive materials, they are increasingly expensive on the legal market. For the moment, the 50-year-old has been denounced on the loose, pending the completion of the investigation. –

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