Home » here’s what’s happening to those who eat it on an empty stomach

here’s what’s happening to those who eat it on an empty stomach

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here’s what’s happening to those who eat it on an empty stomach

The yogurt alert this time is a positive note that invites consumers to eat yogurt on an empty stomach. Eating yogurt on an empty stomach, according to experts, helps improve digestion and absorption of nutrients by the body. This is because eating yogurt on an empty stomach stimulates the production of gastric juices, which are essential for digestion.

Why is the yogurt alert positive and you should eat yogurt on an empty stomach?

Yogurt should be eaten on an empty stomach because it contains probiotics, beneficial bacteria that promote digestion. If you consume yogurt when hungry, probiotics are activated and promote better absorption of nutrients. Also, when you consume yogurt on an empty stomach, your body isn’t busy digesting the food and can focus on digesting the yogurt.

When you consume yogurt on an empty stomach, it reduces the risk of bloating or gas due to bacterial growth and can reduce acidity. The yogurt alert is therefore a beneficial invitation because it helps to increase the body’s immune defenses and the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This hydrochloric acid is essential for better digestion. When you eat yogurt on an empty stomach, the good bacteria contained in the yogurt help counteract the proliferation of bad bacteria and reduce the risk of infections.

The consumption of yogurt can bring many health benefits, including: introducing a rich source of protein, essential macronutrients for the body. The proteins present in yogurt are broken down in the body and used to build muscles as well as in the form of energy for our body.

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Yogurt is a good source of B vitamins, essential for the body’s energy metabolism. The B vitamins present in yogurt can stimulate the body’s metabolism and can be used to produce energy. Yogurt is a rich source of calcium, which is essential for building stronger bones. The calcium in yogurt is absorbed by the body and used to build stronger bones.

4 other reasons why you should eat yogurt on an empty stomach

Yogurt helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that eating yogurt on an empty stomach can help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering bad cholesterol levels in the body. Promotes sleep. Eating yogurt on an empty stomach helps promote sleep. This is because the body’s metabolism is lightly stimulated and digestion ends quickly.

Helps to lose weight. Regular consumption of yogurt in the morning, afternoon or evening helps you lose weight. This is because the proteins, which are present in yogurt, are broken down thanks to the action of the body and used in the form of energy. Furthermore, when you eat yogurt on an empty stomach, your body is not busy digesting complex food and therefore the whole digestion phase takes place quickly without taking too much energy from other activities. We also consume yogurt every day and choose the variant without added sugar and without fruit.

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