Home » Francesco: “I don’t meddle in the elections but I ask politicians for responsibility”

Francesco: “I don’t meddle in the elections but I ask politicians for responsibility”

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Francesco: “I don’t meddle in the elections but I ask politicians for responsibility”

SENT ON THE PAPAL FLIGHT. He asks for “civic responsibility” from the Italian parties in the electoral campaign. He recognizes that the one against the indigenous people was a real “genocide”. And he says he has not yet thought about renouncing the pontificate, but at the same time he plays down: “You can change pope, it’s not a catastrophe.” On the flight back to Rome from Iqaluit, in the far north of Canada, Jorge Mario Bergoglio reaches the bottom of the plane leaning on his cane, still with a sore knee, at the end of the first papal trip in a wheelchair. While we are flying over Greenland, Francis sits down and, with a cheerful soul, ready to joke, without letting the tiredness show through after the six intense days of his apostolic visit, he answers the questions of the journalists for 45 minutes. He talks about the government crisis in Italy, highlighting Mario Draghi’s “international high quality”, and noting that our country has had twenty executives since the beginning of the century. And before leaving, he dwells on the figure and ecclesiastical role of the woman: «This trip to Canada was linked to Saint Anne. I have emphasized one thing: faith must be transmitted in the dialect of the grandmothers. We have received the faith in that feminine dialectal form ». Then he says: «Someone can tell me: but theologically how does he explain it? What transmits the faith is the Church, and the Church is a woman, she is a bride, she is not male. We must enter into this thought of the Church as a woman, a mother. Which is more important than any sexist power fantasy ».

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Your Holiness, Italy is going through a difficult moment that is also of concern at the international level. There is the economic crisis, the pandemic, the war and now we are also without a government. You are the Primate of Italy: in the telegram to President Mattarella for his birthday, you spoke of a country marked by many difficulties and called to make crucial choices. How did you experience the fall of Draghi?

“First of all: I don’t want to get involved in Italian domestic politics. Second: no one can say that President Draghi was not a man of high international quality. He was president of the European Central Bank. He has had a good career. I only asked one question to one of my collaborators: tell me, how many governments has Italy had in this century? He told me 20. This is my answer (to your question, ed)… ».

What appeal do you make to the political forces in view of these difficult elections?

“Responsibility. Civic responsibility ».

Many of those in Canada who have heard his request for forgiveness from the natives have expressed disappointment that he did not use the word genocide. Did Church members participate in genocide?

“I didn’t use the word because it didn’t come to my mind, but I described the genocide and I apologized, forgive, for this” work “of the assimilation policies of the natives, which was genocidal: it uprooted children, changed forcefully culture, mind, traditions. It’s a technical word genocide, I didn’t use it because it didn’t come to my mind, but I described … It’s true, yes, it’s genocide. You can report that I said it was genocide. ‘

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The survivors would have liked to hear a declaration for the repeal of the “Doctrine of colonization” …

“It’s true, it’s bad, it’s unfair. Even today it is often used with silk gloves, but it is used. There is that mentality: we are superior, those natives don’t count. And this is serious. We have to go back and sanitize what was done wrong. With the awareness that today the same colonialism exists ».

The trip may also have been a test for his health. Now what can you tell us? Do you think the knee operation could solve the situation?

“I don’t think I can continue at the same pace as before. At my age and with this limitation I have to save some energy to be able to serve the Church. Then, I can also think about the possibility of stepping aside: this, with all honesty, is not a catastrophe, you can change pope, there is no problem. Knee surgery is wrong in my case. The “technicians” say yes, but there is the problem of anesthesia: I underwent more than six hours of anesthesia months ago and there are still traces. You don’t play, you don’t mess with anesthesia. This is why it is considered not entirely convenient. I will try to continue traveling and be close to the people because I believe it is a way of serving ».

So could he also withdraw?

“Yup. The Lord can say resign. Maybe he wants to put me in the corner, he is in charge. I’ll do what the Lord says. This is the religious way of life of a Jesuit: in spiritual discernment to make decisions ».

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But have you thought about renunciation lately?

“The door is open. It is one of the options, but I have not considered this possibility to date. But that doesn’t mean you won’t start thinking about it the day after tomorrow. At this moment, honestly, no. ”

His visit to Kazakhstan is planned: will he also go to Ukraine?

«I said that I would like to go to Ukraine. Let’s see now what I find when I get home. Kazakhstan remains on the schedule for the moment. I also have to reach South Sudan, Congo in 2023. Let’s see what the leg says ».

Many Catholics and theologians believe that a development of the Church’s doctrine on contraceptives is necessary. What do you think of it?

“I know there is a publication on this subject. These are the proceedings of a congress. And we must be clear: the authors of the congress have done their duty, because they have tried to move forward in the doctrine. But in an ecclesial sense. Then the magisterium will say: yes it’s okay, or it’s not okay. A Church that does not develop her thinking in an ecclesial sense goes backwards, and this is the problem of today, of many who say they are traditional. No, they are not traditional, they are “backward”, they go backwards without roots. And the “retreat” is a sin. Tradition is the living faith of the dead, while these “backward” who say they are traditionalists represent the dead faith of the living. Tradition is the root, the inspiration to move forward in the Church ».

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