Home » Attempted assault on a security van on the A1 near Modena

Attempted assault on a security van on the A1 near Modena

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“Shot” failed to hit

The “coup” would not have succeeded. The robbers put nails on the asphalt to stop the traffic. No injuries

On the evening of Monday 14 on the A1 motorway, between Modena and Bologna, at km 178 heading south, a security van was attacked. As far as we know, the bandits would have put nails on the asphalt and blocked the road, but the “blow” would not have been successful and no one would have been injured. The bandits fled, according to police sources, without removing anything, and searches are underway, even in the Bologna area.

Despite the chaos and the agitated moments, they are not injured. For a while, both lanes of the Autosole were blocked.


According to the first reconstruction, the criminals would have put nails on the asphalt to stop traffic, then they threatened some motorists with weapons in hand, made them get out and set fire to their cars to create a diversion. Then they forced two truck drivers to cross their vehicles to block traffic. A 118 helicopter also intervened in the area. Autostrade per l’Italia is working on the reclamation of the section, while the traffic police are carrying out the surveys.

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