Home » La Voghe resists for an hour at the Pont Donnaz good signs for Giacomotti in the first test

La Voghe resists for an hour at the Pont Donnaz good signs for Giacomotti in the first test

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La Voghe resists for an hour at the Pont Donnaz good signs for Giacomotti in the first test

The Rossoneri collect 0-1 after 62 minutes of play against the Aosta Valley players who play in D. Castellano on a penalty that marks the 1-2


Voghe comes out defeated (1-2) by the friendly match with Pont Donnaz, but arouses a good impression for express play and opportunities created in the presence of a superior category formation. Despite a still rough condition, the Rossoneri offer an encouraging performance. For the first friendly outing with the Aosta Valley’s Pont Donnaz (Serie D), in the evocative setting of Brunod di Chatillon, a facility nestled in the mountains, Mr. Giacomotti chooses the 4-3-1-2, with the central defensive pair formed by the new Bacaloni and Puka, assisted on the wings by the Ukrainian Honchar (2004) on the right and by Andrini on the left. In the median, Castellano moves from play, with baby Sorgon (2006) right inside and Noia left midfielder. Andriolo acts on the trocar, behind Romano and Bahirov. In Voghe, there are four absent, due to ailments of various kinds: Casali, Selmi, the young defender Romano and the attacker Landillo.

Promising start

The start of the race is favorable to Voghe. At 7 ‘, Bahirov from the left draws Sorgon, who ends badly. Dangerous rowing again in the 9th minute, with the poisonous free-kick from Castellano, thwarted by Marenco’s dive. Pont Donnaz grows with the passing of the minutes, but Voghe is always orderly in the work without the ball. At 14 ‘, Bacaloni closes in a providential way on the shot of Moreo, a slippery attacker who starts from the left and then converges. The game, which had been rather quiet until then, ignited in the 19th minute, when the referee pulled out a double red card, for Noia and Crema, protagonists of mutual misconduct. Being a friendly match, the referee allows the two teams to restore numerical parity, so Voghe enters the midfielder Truzzi, formerly of Settimo, currently on trial. At 31 ‘, De Toni says no to Tourè’s attempt from distance, then the Rossoneri goalkeeper performs two applause interventions in the 37th minute, when Jeantet stops first, and then repeats himself, with a prodigious reflex, the subsequent conclusion of Valenti. At the start of the second half, Mr. Giacomotti immediately inserts Gerosa and Riceputi as low wards, Buscaglia on the frontline and Franchini in attack, alongside Bahirov. Just Bahirov, at 10 ‘, touches the intersection with a left-handed torpedo from twenty meters. At 12 ‘, Galimberti and Checher also find space in defense and Lorenzon between the posts. The match is released at 17 ‘, with a counterattack by the Pont Donnaz, finalized by Moreo. Voghe’s reaction is instantaneous. At 20 ‘, Buscaglia shoots Bahirov, who hits the post, from inside the area. On the continuation of the action, another sensational chance for Franchini, who frees himself well and ends without fail, but on the goal line, the defender Ferrando saves.

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From the possible draw of the Voghe, it goes to 2-0 of the Aosta Valley. At 23 ‘, Moreo juggles well in the area and stabs Lorenzon. The Rossoneri do not disunite and try to reduce the distance. At 31 ‘, Noia, in the meantime returned to the field, sends a header on the developments of a corner. In the final, after a high blow from Castellano from the edge, Voghe shortens on a penalty, procured by Bahirov, landed by the goalkeeper. From the spot, Castellano, who remained on the pitch all 90 ‘together with Bahirov, transforms with coldness. Tomorrow, the Rossoneri, after completing their retreat in Chatillon, will return to the field at Parisi, in the triangular match with Sangiuliano (Lega Pro) and Città di Varese (D). –


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