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“They have a negative effect on my mental health” – breaking latest news

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“They have a negative effect on my mental health” – breaking latest news
from Paola De Carolis

The 26-year-old British actor, star of the latest Spider Man, announced in a video that he is taking a break from Instagram and Twitter

LONDRA – «Hello and Goodbye». Tom Hollandaka Spider-Man, leave social networks. The British actor, 26, said goodbye to his 67.7 million followers with a post in which he stressed that he had made the decision to safeguard his mental health. Instagram and Twitter for the star are “over-stimulating and oppressive”. “I am trapped and depressed by reading what is written about me online,” she said. “The effect on my mood is very negative and that’s why I decided to take a step back and delete the app from my phone and not interact with it anymore ».

He is not the first character to issue a warning about the impact of social media. Before him, the singer was called out, even if only temporarily Miley Cyrus, Millie Bobby Brownyoung protagonist of “Stranger Things”, the singer Selena Gomez and many others. Sympathetic, witty, full of success, Holland shows no obvious signs of discomfort but anxiety and depression are subtle ailments: “We need to talk more about mental health,” Holland stressed. Time will tell if the actor’s farewell will last. Today, social networks are an important tool for promotion and advertising.

Those who leave tend to return: Spider Man himself recognized the power of Instagram by reminding his fans, before saying goodbye, the charities it supports, in particular Stem4, a charity for children in difficulty, and the organization created together with the family, The Brothers Trust. Holland has three male brothers. His is a close-knit family who have gone to great lengths to protect Holland from the excesses of celebrity. The parents – mother Nikki is a photographer and father Dom a writer-actor who a few years ago humorously recounted the ignominy of being overtaken by offspring – live in the same house as ever, in the London borough of Kingston, and they founded for the children a charitable organization through supporting causes dear to them.

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The news that one of the most beloved actors of the new generation is going through a difficult time has had a lot of echo in Britain, where mental health is a problem for 20% of minors. The video with which Holland announced his retirement from social networks also represents an invitation to seek help: “Mental health – underlined the star, who would be among the eligible candidates for the role of James Bond – is still a taboo. I know it’s hard to ask for assistance, and if it’s not something that should make us feel embarrassed, it’s easier in words than in reality. ‘

August 16, 2022 (change August 16, 2022 | 16:02)

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