Home » The tragedy of Godega, crowds say goodbye to Daniele De Re. The priest: “His death a cry of pain”

The tragedy of Godega, crowds say goodbye to Daniele De Re. The priest: “His death a cry of pain”

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The tragedy of Godega, crowds say goodbye to Daniele De Re. The priest: “His death a cry of pain”

Cordignano church packed for the last farewell to the boy who died in the car with the other three friends. The mayor: “We will remember all four of them with a scholarship”

CORDIGNANO. Crowded church and a crowd in the churchyard for the last farewell on the morning of August 18 to Daniele De Re, just 18 years old, one of the four boys who died in the accident that took place the night between Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 August in via Cordignano a Godega.

On the pulpit the memory of don Claudio Carniel, parish priest of Cordignano, during the homily: «Daniele’s death is a cry of pain. Faced with these events we feel small ».

In the church also the mayor Roberto Campagna with the tricolor sash, who commented on the sidelines of the funeral: «How much success will remain in the memory of the community. A tragedy that has hit us all. We will see how to remember these guys, perhaps with a scholarship ».

In and out of the church friends and acquaintances and also the relatives of the other dead boys.


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