Home » Foods not to eat on the beach (or swimming pool): avoid the risk of swelling

Foods not to eat on the beach (or swimming pool): avoid the risk of swelling

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Foods not to eat on the beach (or swimming pool): avoid the risk of swelling

Even if mid-August has passed it does not mean that summer is over. The torrid heat continues and especially in Southern Italy it still touches 40 degrees in many places, so bathing in the sea and swimming pool to cool down is a must.

But what to eat before entering the water to avoid stomach swelling or intestinal congestion? A correct diet is essential if you want to spend your holidays in the best possible way, even in terms of food.

Before going to the beach or swimming pool (and therefore to expose yourself to the sun), it is good to know the consequences that the consumption of certain foods has on the body.

Maybe they don’t know much but for example, consuming foods rich in sugars (such as ice cream, cold fruit, yogurt, sandwiches, alcohol, snacks, foods rich in salt, etc.) can cause bloating, stomach heaviness and discomfort.

I am therefore sending a series of foods that can make us feel bad enough to have to seek urgent medical attention in the worst cases. Take note, the following AVOID list may be very helpful to you.

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