Home Ā» Smart working to be enhanced or not? What the party programs say

Smart working to be enhanced or not? What the party programs say

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Smart working to be enhanced or not?  What the party programs say

He was the great protagonist of the pandemic period. And it still will be (albeit to a lesser extent) since many companies have signed an agreement with the trade union representatives that governs agile work, providing for a mixed mode of remote and face-to-face work. Yet smart working, with some exceptions, does not appear or has a very limited space in the electoral program of the parties.

Pd: agile work to reconcile work-life times

The Democratic Party speaks of “the promotion of smart working, also for the purpose of encouraging the needs of reconciling life and work times, to reduce emissions of pollutants and to improve, at the same time, the liveability of urban centers and revitalize the small villages more and more depopulated Ā».

League: new flexible working models

Not mentioned in the Forza Italia, Terzo Polo and M5s programs, smart working is instead mentioned in the Lega program which underlines the need to “modernize the organization of work, implementing digital technologies and new models of flexible, agile and smart work working “.

Structural agile work for the frail

The Third Pole asks to “make systemic the institutes tested during Covid-19 to protect fragile workers: in particular, in the case of people with disabilities or in conditions of fragility,” the right to agile work (so-called smart working) is an exception it must become a structural instrument.

Si-Verdi: smart working to be extended

Sinistra Italiana and Verdi are also aiming at strengthening smart working, underlining the need to “encourage smart working for all workers whose presence is not physically required”.

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