Home » Athletics, Tamberi jumps into gold He is still king of the high in Monaco

Athletics, Tamberi jumps into gold He is still king of the high in Monaco

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Another feat of the blue on the wet platform: he imposes himself with 2.30 meters. Thus his success and that of Marcell Jacobs cross again.

Giulia Zonca


The “yes” comes before the jump that leads to gold, at 2 meters and 30 and is a scream that comes from afar. Gianmarco Tamberi is unleashed in a competition that polishes the gold of Tokyo and becomes the European Games: the day of success is not the same but Jacobs and Gimbo continue to cross paths, to move like a mirror, with squared successes.

The suitcase of the long journey that accompanies Tamberi from the hotel to the platform on each of his outings was fundamental this time. Rags to clean the water on the ground, blanket to wrap between one shift and another and layers to put on and off, harp and sweaters that are not needed but were there, in case of other rains to deal with. Life inside and the family ahead, the one of origin with his father a coach always with his arms folded and with a drawn face and the one to put up with Chiara, the girlfriend of a lifetime, ready to become a wife on September 1st. And just to keep the parallel, Jacobs gets married 16 days later. They could do the bachelor party together, especially since Tamberi wants to do it right now: «Already here from the podium party to the pre-wedding party. There is a group of friends who have come on purpose ».

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The dedication of the success is evident, kiss on the ring finger, hand to indicate the woman of life who is standing in the stands, except that the shadow on the title is equally clear. Marco Tamberi, his father, does not move a muscle, does not beat a time, does not allow himself a single gesture of exultation, not even an expression of satisfaction when the podium is composed. Pyte silver for the happiness of the hosts and Protsenko bronze, first Ukrainian medal here. Participates with advice and tips, with the support you need as long as it is needed, then closes up to the brief but heartfelt embrace before the lap of honor: “If I can do these things it is also thanks to him, the people who work with me deserve a piece of gold ». Exchange of compliments between a father and son who struggle to talk to each other. For now the divorce remains in the air, probable, possible, anything but written. At this point it is a difficult relationship to dissolve, just as it is very complicated to fix.

The son gave his father the welcome before the World Cup, then they advised him to be less impulsive: it would make no sense to find himself without technical guidance during the two most important events of the season. The Tamberi have not solved the problems, they have put them aside and discovered that they can still do something together, steps kept stable by the emergency response suitcase, “there is everything there for survival”, explained Gimbo, perhaps not only for her during a challenge. Under the rest mat and the rubber bands, he may well find what it takes to heal betrayed feelings.

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Meanwhile, there is another gold together and the Olympiastadion celebrates it with Gianna Nannini who sings “Beautiful and impossible” only that the song starts right on the “beautiful and invincible” verse and the blue, laughs, looks at his girlfriend, greets, high five the physiotherapist and there is that moment of fragile and temporary reconnection that chases away the torment, the one that Tamberi used once again to find reasons: “After what I have been through an incredible result, I always give the best in light blue”. –

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