Home » Who is Aleksandr Dugin, the sovereign philosopher nicknamed “Putin’s brain”

Who is Aleksandr Dugin, the sovereign philosopher nicknamed “Putin’s brain”

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Who is Aleksandr Dugin, the sovereign philosopher nicknamed “Putin’s brain”

Aleksandr Dugin, 60, is a Russian philosopher known for his anti-Western, far-right and “neo-Eurasian” views. In the United States, and in the West in general, he is often presented as “Putin’s brain” or “Putin’s Rasputin”. In Italy – where he is known as the Tsar’s ideologue – Dugin was praised by Gianluca Savoini, Matteo Salvini’s friend who has hosted him several times in public events in our country, introducing him to the Northern League secretary.

Aleksandr Gel’evič Dugin was born in Moscow on January 7, 1962 into a family faithful to the Soviet and Orthodox ideal in belonging to, and in devotion to, communism. His mother was a doctor, his father an officer of the most secret service in the world: the KGB. At the center of his thought, alongside the fight against liberalism, is Eurasia.

In recent years he has been defined by the Western media as one of the inspirers of Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy, while the Russian press considers him a “marginal figure” for his views “considered too radical even by nationalists”. In 2014 – reports Russia Today – he was fired from Moscow State University after his appeal to “kill, kill, kill” the Ukrainians following the May 2 riots in Odessa in which neo-Nazi groups burn alive more than 40 pro-Russians.

The daughter of Dugin, Putin’s ideologue, died: the car exploded while traveling, probable attack. “They were together, he changed his car at the last moment”

Darya Platonova Dugina, the daughter of the ideologist who died in the explosion of the vehicle in which she was traveling near the Russian capital, was thirty years old, had a degree in philosophy from Moscow State University and had deepened her studies on Neoplatonism but claimed cultural references also Antonio Gramsci, Martin Heidegger and the French sociologist Jean Baudrillard. On June 4, she was included in the list of people sanctioned by the UK government (among them the magnate Roman Abramovic) for having expressed support or promoted policies in favor of the Russian aggression of Ukraine.

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He was at number 244 on the list of 1,331 sanctioned individuals, as a “high-profile author of the disinformation about Ukraine and the Russian invasion of Ukraine on various online platforms”, as well as responsible for supporting and promoting policies or initiatives to destabilize Ukraine to compromise or threaten its “territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence”.

Darya carried out an intense intellectual commitment in the wake of her father. In a recent interview, released last May to the online newspaper geopolitika.ru, she spoke on the Russian aggression against Ukraine. She marries, unsurprisingly, the positions of her father and the line of the Kremlin. »The situation in Ukraine is truly an example of a clash of civilizations; it can be seen as a clash between the globalist and the Eurasian civilizations, ”she said. “After” the great geopolitical catastrophe “(as the Russian president defined the collapse of the USSR), the territories of the former united country have become ‘borders’ (intermediate zones) – those spaces on which the attention of neighbors has increased , with NATO and above all the United States interested in destabilizing the situation on the borders of Russia ».

Darya Dugina added: «If the Western liberal elites insist so much on supporting Kiev and demonizing Moscow, it is because behind it there is a logic of profit. Everything has to be questioned. This is an important principle that allows us to keep a clear eye. In the society of spectacle, propaganda and the totalitarian nature of Western systems, doubt is an essential step to get out of the cave … ».

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