Home » Auronzo, rags fly in the council: “The old administration made everyone run away”

Auronzo, rags fly in the council: “The old administration made everyone run away”

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Auronzo, rags fly in the council: “The old administration made everyone run away”

Harsh attack by the mayor Vecellio Galeno on the previous administration. “A minimum of eight people would be needed in the offices, there is only one left”

AURONZO. Fiery advice in Auronzo: majority and minority have fought in the Kursaal cinema theater, packed for the occasion in every order of place. For the majority group it was an opportunity to draw up an initial balance two months after taking office. Budget not without controversy, complete with information sent to the prefecture on 23 August in which all the shortcomings attributable, according to the new council, to the previous administration were highlighted.

«It seemed appropriate to inform the citizens about the situation we found in the town hall, much more serious than we had planned in mid-June», thundered the mayor Dario Vecellio Galeno, «for this reason we chose the Kursaal. We are pleased to have found it as full as it has never been before. We will make the choice of the shared city council in the future. The administrative machine is presented in plaster due to the lack of personnel, of all levels. To be able to carry out a decent job we would need eight figures and instead we find only one. They are mostly senior and responsible figures. Figures that, moreover, it is hard to find on the job market ».

Here the jab to the previous administration of Tatiana Pais Becher.

«Beyond the work done, what must be said is that all those who were regularly hired in the Municipality of Auronzo ran away. The last five years have left heavy waste in human, as well as professional, relationships. The problem is that today this falls heavily on daily work. These are things that citizens struggle to understand because they are rightly far from the logic of bureaucracy. We are limited to observing a worker arranging the public green or a road but behind the concrete intervention there is an administrative work that without the right figures provided by the law it is not possible to start. There are no figures in charge of administrative tasks in the Municipality of Auronzo today. We are solving the shortcomings by committing ourselves personally. Deputy Mayor Daniela Larese Filon prepares resolutions and other acts in the absence of a secretary, I do the same for what belongs to me and so do councilors and advisors. In the meantime we have moved to the job market to find the missing skills but mountain life is not as attractive as it once was. We are having to make up for the lack of one or two employees, because maybe one decides to move elsewhere and the other because he is retiring. But looking for seven, even eight, is equivalent to a business ».

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The occasion was useful for the mayor to spill the beans on other thorny events inherited from the previous administration, starting however from a premise.

“It is not our intention to feel sorry for ourselves, but it did not seem right for us to continue to be silent. The topics covered in the council are many, it is also difficult to draw up a list of priorities. One, however, is particularly important to me. It concerns the management of the nursing homeor, whose accounts present worrying numbers. It is a service that the community cannot afford to lose. Someone in there did not watch as they should. We are confident in the work of the new board of directors ».

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