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Oltrepo wins the memorial dedicated to Giancarlo Magenta

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Oltrepo wins the memorial dedicated to Giancarlo Magenta

Broni’s team beat Acqui and Gaviese, on Saturday debut in the Cup Rina Rossi is moved: “My husband will cheer wildly even from up there”


Emotions and goals. The Oltrepo took care of the goals to score, in the first match with Acqui (Pedrabissi, Villoni, De Stradis and Grasso) and in the second match with Gaviese (Citterio on a penalty), thus winning the 1st Memorial “Giancarlo Magenta ”, Which went into a fool in the Municipality of Broni. The emotions (with a few tears of emotion) were expressed by Rina Rossi Magenta, honorary president of Oltrepo, formerly of Broni.

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When at the end of the race he thanked all the participants and the teams for an evening that saw the large audience, made up mostly of families and young people, having fun in carefree for a few hours. It must not have been easy for her to remember the figure of Giancarlo Magenta, her husband and lifelong partner, president of Broni for seven years, until the triumphant 1992-1993 season, when the Rossoneri won 1-0 at San Rocco at Porto (between the posts, there was Daniele Benaglia, current trainer of the Oltrepo goalkeepers) they climbed to Excellence. «I hope that Broni – said a moved Rina Rossi – can reach even higher, thanks to the new project that bears the name of Oltrepo. For this I thank the president Fabrizio Catenacci who believed in us and with us, he wanted to start this journey. Giancarlo was for me and not just me, a special person and I hope and believe that from up there he will cheer unbridledly for his Broni, today Oltrepo ». The large cup that represented the trophy of the 1st Memorial “Giancarlo Magenta” was hoisted to the sky by the Oltrepo captain, Samuele Rebuscini, surrounded by his teammates. “I hope it is the first of many others,” said Rebu, coming down the stairs of the grandstand, to bring the cup to the field and be photographed with the rest of the team.

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Expectations respected, those of the pitch. With the Oltrepo in great shape a few days before the debut of the Italian Cup (Saturday at 17, in Codogno, the first match of group 16) that trims 4 goals (to one) at Acqui, led by mister Arturo Merlo, nicknamed the “Bielsa” of Piedmontese amateur football, once a free rocky time, today a fiery coach, sitting next to Valerio Cirelli, an old acquaintance for having played the role of athletic trainer of OltrepoVoghera and also of Varzi. Mister Albertini shuffles the cards, making everyone in the squad rotate a little, with the exception of the goalkeeper Donato, the young Villa and Chiellini, the defender Lopane (who will serve the disqualification of the Cup with Codogno) and the attacker Zanelatti, struggling with a blow. Four well-made goals, fast actions, first touches, which entertain and applaud the audience. The 4-1 at Acqui allows the Oltrepo to face Gaviese in the third match (beaten 2-0 in the Piedmontese match against the Bianconeri) and aim for the victory of the trophy. So it happens, thanks to a penalty procured by Ritondale and transformed with icy coldness by Citterio. –

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