Home » Medication altered his sexual urges

Medication altered his sexual urges

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Medication altered his sexual urges

Investigated for sexual violence, Giuseppe Sabatino was accused of having caressed the private parts and kissed the mothers of some children on the lips who came to him for health problems. The condition, established the Court of Chieti, was determined by taking a drug for the treatment of Parkinson’s.

Unable to understand and want at the time of the facts. This is the reason why the Court of Chieti has acquitted Giuseppe Sabatino: the former head of the neonatology department of the Chieti polyclinic was accused of sexual violence.

The retired doctor was arrested in 2014 following a complaint bysexual abuseby some mothers of newborns, treated by Sabatino: he would have caressed them private parts e kissed on the lips the mothers of some children who came to him for health problems of their children. The facts would have been taken up by a camera placed in his study of the Theatine polyclinic by the Nas carabinieri who were investigating on the basis of a complaint.

But the doctor, defended by the lawyer Andrea Di Lizio, was judged totally unable to wantpartially capable of understanding at the moment of the facts, and therefore not punishable: a condition determined by the assumption of Parkinson’s drug.

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Moreover, from the moment in which that medicine was taken from him, it would no longer be socially dangerous not having the lack of control of sexual impulses. The prosecutor Giancarlo Ciani also reported the conclusions.

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Sabatino was also accused of the crime of corruption: according to the indictment, medical informants would have handed over up to 20 thousand euros to the doctor so that he could prescribe milk and food supplements produced by the houses for which they worked to small patients.

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