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China continues to block and control will cause a major event?Experts warn the government | Chengdu | Guiyang | Lockdown |

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China continues to block and control will cause a major event?Experts warn the government | Chengdu | Guiyang | Lockdown |

[Voice of Hope, September 9, 2022](Reported by our reporter Wan Fang)

The CCP virus epidemic in China continues to spread, and Beijing’s extreme “zero” epidemic prevention measures are still continuing. Chaos and tragedies under the lockdown and control are endless. A reporter from the Singapore Straits Times asked a question at the press conference of the Central Propaganda Department on September 7: It has been three years since the outbreak of the CCP virus (new crown), and more than 90% of the Chinese people have been vaccinated against the CCP virus. Does the “zero-clearing” policy conflict with economic opening? Does China intend to change its policies to live with the virus?

Chang Jile, deputy director of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, responded: The “dynamic clearing” policy is based on the foundation of grasping early and small grasping, so as to find and eliminate them together, and control the CCP in the shortest time with the lowest social cost. virus outbreak. To minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development, if the general ledger is calculated, our prevention and control measures are the most economical and effective.

According to CNN, China has at least 74 cities with more than 313 million people under full or partial epidemic prevention and control since late August, and more cities are expected to be placed under control in the coming weeks. under control.

Citizens of Chengdu, Sichuan, with a population of 21 million, were asked by the authorities on September 1 to stay at home in principle and conduct nucleic acid testing for all employees. Except for some supermarkets and vegetable markets, almost all commercial and most production activities in the city have been stopped. There are still hundreds of people diagnosed with the CCP virus (new coronavirus).

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Mr. Huang, a citizen of Chengdu, said to Voice of Hope on the 8th: “Home static management used to be two hours a day, and one person came out to purchase. After that, it came out once every two days. It should be stricter, and there should be an increase in (cases). .”

Chengdu is closed (video screenshot)

A total of 62 people in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, with a population of nearly 6 million, were infected with the CCP virus on September 5. The authorities announced on the same day that they would implement static management in some areas of the city. About 220,000 people in the Huaguoyuan area in Nanming District of Guiyang were blocked, and many residents ran out of food. Residents who had been hungry for several days at 3 a.m. collectively cried out for hunger.

Du Min, deputy head of Nanming District, said on the 8th that due to factors such as yellow codes, community control, and public transportation, the number of staff who applied for cross-regional passes was limited, resulting in a large surge in online orders during the CCP virus epidemic. Can not be completed in time Sorting cannot meet the material distribution needs of 220,000 people. The video showed that many vegetables were rotten in the community and could not be distributed to the hungry citizens. And the vegetables grown by farmers cannot be sold due to the backlog caused by the closure and control.

Shi Zhengli, director and researcher of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), Chinese Academy of Sciences, recently reposted an article titled “Zhang Wenhong: If you don’t return to normal, people’s spirits will collapse” in the circle of friends, and added On a note: “The current strain is not the one in early 2020. The epidemic prevention policy must be adjusted in time to keep pace with the times.”

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Shi Zhengli forwarded Zhang Wenhong’s article with a note

Li Yuanhua, a former associate professor at Capital Normal University, said: “As time goes on, the virus mutates into a high transmission rate and mild symptoms. If you still use blocking and blocking, it will actually be a waste of money and waste, or destroy the entire It is a social and economic measure. The CCP regards its dynamic clearing as a kind of socialist superiority, or different from the normal system of other countries. After this is advertised, no matter whether it is right or wrong, it must adhere to it. All experts, All administrative interpretations follow this. In other countries, everyone has seen that this virus is like the flu, so it coexists with the virus, how to live and how to live, but the CCP will not admit that it has made mistakes in its policies, it does not take into account the common people Considering the people’s livelihood, as long as the foundation of its autocratic rule is not shaken, it will do so.”

Responsible editor: Lin Li

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