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Ambrovit, everything easy in the test with the Chorus The coach: “I already see determination and enthusiasm”

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Ambrovit, everything easy in the test with the Chorus The coach: “I already see determination and enthusiasm”


The preparation of the Ambrovit Garlasco continues in view of the next women’s B1 championship and, on Saturday afternoon, the team coached by coach Stefano Mattioli faced the first test in the joint training carried out at the Pala Balduzzi in Garlasco with the Chorus Bergamo, a B2 series team. . Coach Stefano Mattioli’s girls won 5-0 (25-13, 25-20, 25-10, 25-12, 15-11). «It was a very enlightening match to understand the qualities and potential of the group that is forming – comments coach Stefano Mattioli -. On this occasion, the only request made was to field those characteristics that do not need time to be tested, but which depend on the will and attitude, such as enthusiasm, determination, positive attitude and collaborative. I am satisfied because I could not have received a better answer. For all five sets the only team on the field was ours and this also during those fractions that, from a competitive point of view, had little history. We go on like this, in a period in which we are still loading a lot on the level of physical work while we are only doing something from a technical and field point of view. But there is time and we are in no hurry. What matters is that in recent days we have completed the squad with the return of Giulia Baldizzone, fresh from the national Under 18 beach volleyball finals and now we can work fully. Then, after this test with the Chorus, we are awaited by a full calendar of friendly matches and tournaments that will gradually accompany us to our debut in the championship ». –

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