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Public salaries, the ceiling returns: the government presents an amendment

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Public salaries, the ceiling returns: the government presents an amendment

Go back. The government has presented an amendment that deletes article 41 bis of the Aid bis decree on the derogation from the salary ceiling of public administration managers. Sources of Palazzo Chigi make it known. A previous amendment to the bis aid decree approved on Tuesday in the Senate had canceled the ceiling of 240 thousand euros gross per year which has so far limited all salaries recognized by the PA.

The Government – specify sources of Palazzo Chigi – will ask to vote on the amendment unless the political forces unanimously decide to approve the agenda that provides for the deletion of the article in the Aid Ter Decree

The irritation of Palazzo Chigi

The first corrective, approved despite the strong disappointment arrived from Palazzo Chigi also for the blitz method at the last useful minute of the last parliamentary legislative intervention before the elections, had also overcome the resistance to the Ministry of Economy, where the verification of the coverage prevented the stop for accounting reasons. Because the covers were there.

The positions on the pitch

Iv’s leader Matteo Renzi explained that “unfortunately we had to vote for him so as not to blow up all the 17 billion in aid”, and the Five Stars are also announcing a battle. The Mef had replied by explaining that it had only given a “technical contribution”. In short: the corrective was approved by everyone in the Commission (Lega, M5S and Fdi paraded in the Chamber) but nobody seemed to like it.

No more derogation for the leaders of the police

The limit of 240 thousand euros disappeared for a highly selected group of senior executives in the public administration. The lucky ones who would have checked the increase were in practice the heads of the Armed Forces and ministries. With the government backtracking, we return to the status quo ante

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