Home » Gjoka’s classic and Yasit’s hip hop

Gjoka’s classic and Yasit’s hip hop

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Gjoka’s classic and Yasit’s hip hop

An Albanian and a Kurd. A century ago they would both have been subjects of the Sublime Porte. Today the accomplice of the meeting was the great choreographer William Forsythe who called them to take part in a show in 2018. And so Brigel Gjoka, the Albanian and Rauf Yasit, the Kurdish, but born in Germany, also known as ” rubberlegz ”(rubber legs), they decided to do business together. The first elegantly crosses classical and contemporary dance. The second, star of urban dances, gives life with his body to unexpected and unimaginable shapes.

To create “Neighbors”, which will be staged at the Limone per Torinodanza foundries on 16 and 17 September, they wanted Rusan Filitzek from Istanbul as musician. Directed by Anna Cremonini Torinodanza until 26 October offers the public the top of contemporary choreography with thirty-two shows and thirteen national premieres.

But in the meantime, let’s talk about Neighbors ”, with Gjoka responding in the name of the whole“ company ”.

How did this adventure start?

«With“ A Quiet Evening of Dance ”was born an evening in which William Forsythe combined styles of different inspiration. He took it for a duet. Ours was the most contemporary part of the show ».

A hip hop star, Rauf Yazit, and a contemporary interpreter, with classical studies in Albania. It is not easy to make you talk.

«Ours are two current but different artistic worlds, which move in parallel. I danced for Forsythe since 2015. I was in company for a few years before it closed. So I knew her way of working. Rauf and I have felt close since Billy’s creation. ‘

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Is this why the song is called “Neighbors”, that is neighbors?

«“ Neighbors ”was born through a two-phase process. The first phase when we created it in 2019, a half hour piece. There for the first time Rauf and I met understanding what it means to create together with two different backgrounds ».

Did the musical part intervene later?

«With Rusan the work has transformed. The connection between the two of us remained powerful and fundamental. But in the second part the folklore aspects also took on more color ».

How important is the folklore and family tradition of each of you? Albanian folklore was already present, an important case, in the version of Stravinsky’s “Noces” by Angelin Preljocaj.

“We have tried to field our personal paths, our memories, familiar and traditional through dance”.

Was the powerful and special Forsythe style a help or a limitation in your work?

“Help for me. It was formative, a discovery of creativity, of humanity. To work with him you must always be curious. Always embrace new ideas. In this lies the power of his style and his work ».

What is your fluent Italian due to?

“To the fact that I directed a training course for young dancers for many years in Bologna”

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