Home » ASL TO 3: Otolaryngology clinics open today and Wednesday for the head and neck cancer prevention campaign

ASL TO 3: Otolaryngology clinics open today and Wednesday for the head and neck cancer prevention campaign

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ASL TO 3: Otolaryngology clinics open today and Wednesday for the head and neck cancer prevention campaign

On 19 and 21 September the AslTo3, by joining the European awareness campaign for the early diagnosis of head and neck tumors, places the otolaryngology clinics of the Pinerolo or Rivoli hospitals at the disposal of all patients who present symptoms according to the 1 for 3 (one symptom for at least three weeks) with free screening dedicated to early prevention.

1 by 3 is the rule to always keep in mind. Pain in the tongue, ulcers that do not heal and / or red or white patches in the mouth; pain in the throat; persistent hoarseness; pain and / or difficulty swallowing; swelling of the neck; Closed nose to one side and / or nosebleed: If you have any of these symptoms for three weeks or more, you should see your doctor.

To access the prevention campaign, it will be enough to show up, swithout reservation and without doctor’s requestat the following locations:

– Pinerolo, Monday 19 and Wednesday 21 September from 8.30 to 12.30 at the Otolaryngology Clinic, ground floor – Pinerolo Hospital, via Brigata Cagliari 39

Rivoli, Monday 19 September from 9.00 to 13.00 at the Otolaryngology Clinic, first floor – Rivoli Hospital, via Rivalta 29.

Despite its prevalence, few know that head and neck cancer is the seventh most common cancer in Europe, with an incidence of about half that of lung cancer, but twice that of the cervix. . In 2020, 9,900 people in Italy were diagnosed with head and neck cancer. With an early diagnosis, the survival rate rises to 80-90%, compared to a life expectancy of only 5 years for those who discover the disease at an advanced stage (source “Cancer numbers 2021”, AIOM).

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On the territory of the AslTo3, every year there are about 80 new patients affected by these pathologies, of which 29% are cancers of the mouth (oral cavity + oropharynx), 33% of the throat (hypopharynx + pharynx) and 38% other types of cancer that can affect the salivary glands or the thyroid gland.

The goal of the Euroepa campaign, promoted in Italy by the Italian Association of Head and Neck Oncology (AIOCC) is precisely to promote early diagnosis, through the recognition of the symptoms of cervico-cephalic carcinomas, often ignored or associated with seasonal diseases such as a common sore throat or a cold.

“The major risk factors – underlines Dr. Magnano – they concern tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse especially when both are present. They are in fact found in 75% of head and neck cancers. Other important factors are occupational exposures to wood dust, leather processing, nickel, some viral infections such as human papilloma (HPV) and Epstein-Bar virus (EBV) and exposure to ionizing radiation and / or air pollutants . Finally, favoring factors can be a diet low in vegetable fibers and rich in red meat, obesity and poor oral hygiene ».

For any further information, the following telephone number is available: 0121 233640 (from 10 am to 1 pm on weekdays).

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