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Expo Inox in great dust Zanellati: “Everything easier with this intensity”

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Expo Inox in great dust Zanellati: “Everything easier with this intensity”


Coach Alfonso Zanellati does not hide his satisfaction for the peremptory victory obtained by his Expo Inox Now Academy Vigevano away to Basiglio, the playing field of Milanotre Basket. The ducal team thus remains with full points at the top of the Red group of Serie C Gold after winning after the net 59-87 trimmed at home to the Milanese.

“I liked the team a lot and it produced a really important test – observes the technical expert from Vigevano – It is clear that when we defend with this application and intensity, our games take on a whole other dimension and also in attack many things happen. facilitate “. Zanellati then enters into the merits of some single performance: «Javier Valeiras Creus (18 points and 20 rebounds) is a remarkable athlete with great basketball margins for improvement. As for Bruno Kordis (top scorer with 24 points), his qualities are well known, the goal is to progressively bring him to a high level of physical fitness and then make him maintain it. In this match, moreover, I appreciated Di Paolo’s significant step forward, not only in terms of his excellent attacking contribution. It was important for us that he soon took on this dimension. Billi very well too. Maybe he is a little-known player, unpredictability and a pinch of madness make him strong, the goal is to always manage these characteristics positively. But in general I liked the test of substance of all the boys who entered the field, from Andrea Facchi to Bruno Invernizzi, to the same Lonati who had not trained almost all week due to a shoulder problem and who was able to do it anyway. his part “. Expo Inox did not get nervous when Milanotre tried at times defenses hands on and not even in the face of a really insufficient refereeing. “The game is being destroyed, the referees should protect the technical gesture – warns Zanellati – instead in the chaos they whistle what they want without a meter and in the long run so the teams with longer rotations than ours will be favored”. –

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Fabio Babetto

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