Home » A land registry for pre-alpine trails: maps and tables covering 370 kilometers

A land registry for pre-alpine trails: maps and tables covering 370 kilometers

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The paths adopted by voluntary associations, apart from the raids of motocross bikes

BELLUNO. Another 370 kilometers of trails, all marked out and marked by the CAI model. All adopted by voluntary associations, in agreement with the Municipalities. But beware: they are for trekking, not for motorbikes, partly for bikes. Centaurs who dare to “plow” them – because this is the case in many cases – will be sanctioned.

The path alliance has been codified between the municipalities of Belluno, Limana, Borgo Valbelluna, Ponte nelle Alpi, Sospirolo and Sedico, which have perfected – and collaborating as few other times – the “Cadastre of pre-alpine paths”. The routes not within the competence of the CAI have thus been registered, numbered, mapped and tabulated. Also define unique methods for identifying the number with which to identify each itinerary.

The signs are of two types, horizontal (simple signpost) and vertical (signpost table). Obviously the mountain Unions collaborated. And the Veneto region itself has given its own. “Our aim? It would be to map the entire path network. Our backbone is affected by extremely important tourist flows. We hope that this initiative can also be taken as an example for other territories »said Simone Deola, councilor of Borgo Valbelluna. And it was he who evoked the not always virtuous behaviors of the bikers: on the one hand there are the associations of motorcyclists who actively collaborate in maintenance, on the other some motocross crafty who swaps the newly arranged paths for a motorcycle rally track. The law on forestry and hydrogeological protection does not allow it “.

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Alex Segat, councilor in Limana and councilor of the Valbelluna Montana Union, recounted the genesis of this synergy. «When we started the model that seemed most appropriate to us was that of the Cai and the table used is the white and red one – he specified -. The Mountain Unions have played the role of coordination and the Municipalities have put the resources. A big job, also because the consequences of Vaia are still present in the territories ».

For trekking enthusiasts the offer is really wide. Here is the Nevegàl and the whole ridge between Pascolet and Visentin. Mel, Bardies and Lentiai and the highest part of Borgo Valbelluna (Stabie, Rifugio Baioc, Zelant) are other opportunities. There is Valmorel, Val del Gat, Montegal in the municipality of Limana. Can Monte Pizzocco be missing? No, and not even the Vedana and San Gottardo lakes in Sospirolo. The Tobacco map will arrive soon. There is already an operating manual with guidelines and which identifies, for each territory, the range of numbers, starting from 2000 up to 2599.

Volunteering is all mobilized. Marta Viel, councilor of Ponte nelle Alpi, and Oliseo Salvagno, member of the Union Montana Belluno-Ponte council, made it known that the Ecomuseum and the fractional committees of Quantin and Casan were also involved. And, beware, it’s not over. The councilor of Belluno Marco Buogo: «This is a starting point on which to work to enhance our territoryorio. As the Municipality of Belluno we started with the Nevegàl. We ask the citizens to have some patience. The project started four years ago, but then there were Vaia and Covid, which slowed everything down ».

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The Municipality of Limana has already entered about 30 km with 111 points between trail markers and locality tables, as informed by the commissioner Cinzia Dal Molin. «For us the work of the Study Center of the Sighirolese mountains was fundamental», said Karin Casaril, «thanks to which most of the paths have been arranged». Shopping? Between 5 and 35 thousand euros per municipality. In Borgo Valbelluna, for example, more has been invested because about 30 itineraries have been inserted, with 750 signposts and 500 support poles.

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