Home » Eating spoiled canned tuna: the consequences are scary

Eating spoiled canned tuna: the consequences are scary

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Eating spoiled canned tuna: the consequences are scary

Il tuna fish canned is one of the foods that can never be missing in the pantries of Italian citizens. It is an extremely versatile food and, above all, quick to prepare. But, if not suitably treaty and preserved, it has the ability to make serious danni to our health. In fact, if shortly after consuming canned tuna we should experience an illness or symptoms such as itching, headache, breathlessness, tachycardia, diffuse erythema of the neck and face, the causes could be very few.

Most likely it is scombroid syndrome. It is a particular one intoxication food triggered by histamine intake. Histamine is a substance found very often in tuna and derives from the decomposition ofin the heat, that is an amino acid naturally present in many fish products such as: sardines, anchovies, mackerel and, of course, also in tuna. Scombroid syndrome is a very subtle syndrome, as you give symptoms would suggest it was a simple allergic reaction when instead what we are experiencing is a real food poisoning.

It is important to specify how histamine is already present in our body in a completely natural way: it is of fundamental importance in the regularization of our system. immune, but if it is already present in our organism, because it involves aintoxication food, that’s why. The problem arises when, in addition to the amount of histamine already present in our body, we add more through, for example, canned tuna gone bad. IS accumulation of this substance to become toxic and thus cause food poisoning, not histamine itself. The symptoms of scombroid syndrome come within an hour and are: headache, red eyes, burning mouth, widespread redness on the skin, itching and nausea.

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In the event that the patient already has a compressed clinical picture, he could experience more serious symptoms such as breathing difficulties and myocardial ischemia. What are the precautions to follow? The fundamental thing for a good conservation of fish is not to interrupt the cold chain. As for the attentions to be carried out at home, experts advise you to use thermal bags in case we have to transport fresh fish and avoid re-freezing products that have already been defrosted. As for canned tuna, the ideal would be to immediately consume the can once opened but, if this is not possible, to keep the property of the tuna it is necessary to keep it in the fridge by adding some’olio and consume it within the next day.

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