Home » Listeria, here are the foods at risk: cheeses, pate, salmon. How to protect yourself

Listeria, here are the foods at risk: cheeses, pate, salmon. How to protect yourself

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Listeria, here are the foods at risk: cheeses, pate, salmon.  How to protect yourself


Are the soft cheeses the foods most at risk listeria: first on the list is the soft cheese with mold on the surface (like Brie and Camembert), followed by soft cheese with mold in the mass (like gorgonzola). All types of pate follow, raw milk, smoked salmon, slightly seasoned cured meats and undercooked foods, but also fruit and vegetables. The list is published on the website of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Iss), while the Ministry of Health recommends adopting simple rules in the handling of food, even at home, to reduce the risk of contracting listeriosis.

In particular, the Ministry explains on its website, it is recommended “to wash your hands often, frequently clean all surfaces and materials in the kitchen that come into contact with food such as utensils, small appliances, refrigerators, dishcloths and sponges”. It is also important to “keep raw, cooked and ready-to-eat foods in the refrigerator separately and in closed containers.“. Then it is essential” to cook the food well following the manufacturer’s instructions on the label “, starting with the stuffed meat. It is good, finally says the Ministry,” not to prepare the food to be eaten cooked too early “, and when you do this, keep them in the fridge and heat them to a high temperature before consumption, since the listeria bacterium is sensitive to high temperatures.

Even the Istituto Superiore di Sanità stresses that the best way to prevent listeriosis is to always wash your hands thoroughly before and after food preparation, but also to thoroughly wash vegetables and fruit, even before being peeled, always separate raw foods. from those ready for consumption. The precautions for these last foods are: do not consume them after the expiry date expressed with the words “to be consumed by …”, make sure that the temperature of the domestic refrigerator does not exceed 4 degrees, follow the storage instructions on the product labels .

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