Home » Small municipalities, 100,000 hires are on the way

Small municipalities, 100,000 hires are on the way

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Small municipalities, 100,000 hires are on the way

By the end of the year, according to the projections of the Ministry of Public Administration, about 100,000 people will be hired in small municipalities. There are 5453 administrations under 5 thousand inhabitants) which represent 73% of the total of Italian municipalities concentrated above all in Piedmont, Lombardy and Veneto. The association that represents them has recently signed a framework agreement for the organization and management of public competitions in aggregate form that “allows us to give an urgent response to the shortage of staff and to fill a structural skills deficit that has lasted for years », explains Franca Biglio, president of Anpci. These are mainly administrative duties, registry offices but also general secretariat. “The collaboration with Recrytera – continues the president – will allow us to quickly fill this deficit so as not to jeopardize the implementation of the development and digital transition projects of the small municipalities included in the PNRR which must be implemented by 2026”.

Recrytera will support small municipalities, mostly lacking the necessary resources and skills, in managing all bankruptcy procedures in compliance with all regulatory requirements on digitization, raising the level of safety and efficiency of the hiring process. A “turnkey” service for the municipalities of Anpci, which should make it possible to eliminate the possible dispute and guarantee digital equity among the candidates, abandoning the use of proctoring, ie the remote competition.

The protocol that also extends to local authorities up to 15 thousand inhabitants, for a total that exceeds 7,900 territorial realities “is therefore a fundamental lever – according to Biglio – for the transparent completion of all bankruptcy procedures according to the new legislation, in a ‘also with a view to cost efficiency “.

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administrative and registry services staff but also general secretarial roles. On the Pnrr front, on the other hand, the selection mainly concerns profiled and trained resources with high technical skills.

According to the projections of the Ministry of Public Administration communicated in March of this year, about 100,000 hires are on the way (by 2022); an injection of skills made possible by the release of turnover and the NRR, with the goal by 2028 of 4 million people under the age of 44.

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