Home » Tooth pain: there are 4 types, each hiding a problem that should never be overlooked

Tooth pain: there are 4 types, each hiding a problem that should never be overlooked

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Tooth pain: there are 4 types, each hiding a problem that should never be overlooked

Tooth pain is a rather delicate topic to deal with, especially since there is no single type of discomfort but 4 and with different triggering causes. What are the problems it hides that should never be overlooked.

Dentist visit – Pixabay Source

Have you been living with a pain in your teeth for days that you cannot identify perfectly? Obviously, the first piece of advice to give is not to neglect the problem at all and go immediately to a dentist. However, be aware that the symptoms can be very different and that each of them has quite different causes. Here are which ones.

Tooth pain: what types it can be and what does it originate from

Not all subjects show exactly the same symptoms, above all because many have a different pain threshold and because, above all, there may also be previous problems that prevent them from recognizing the type of pain they are experiencing. In the case of the teeth, for example, habits such as bruxism or clenching can confuse the subject and not lead him to distinguish other types of manifested pathologies.

However, know that there are some very specific symptoms linked to problems of a completely different nature. There sensitivity to heat and coldfor example, it can hide a fairly deep caries on the tooth, as well as a intense pain not attributable to a single tooth, it can be a symptom of a caries that has reached the underlying nerve. In both cases it is advisable to take analgesics and go to a specialist as soon as possible

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Dentist - Pixabay Source
Dentist – Pixabay Source

Furthermore, if the caries is rather deep enough to have affected the nerve and pulp (also causing the death of the tissue) it is possible that it also occurs with pus or gas production; in this case it is advisable to start antibiotic therapy and then, again, immediately consult a dentist.

Ultimately there are subjects who accuse pain only when chewingThis is a symptom of a lesion of the external root wall (or, in the most serious cases, of a fracture. In this case there are no medicines to take and you must immediately book an appointment with the specialist.

Tooth pain: prevention is very important

Although sometimes cavities also occur in particularly scrupulous subjects – just as a lesion can obviously disregard the habits of each of us – every expert still emphasizes the importance of prevention.

It is therefore very essential to remember all the recommendations made by our dentist, such as the use of an adequate toothbrush and that of dental floss, brush your teeth regularly and use an appropriate mouthwash when needed.

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