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Coach hit by colleague and the judge punishes both of them

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Coach hit by colleague and the judge punishes both of them

The Voghe junior loses at the table: after the interval the team retired The president Oreste Cavaliere: “The apologies of the opponents are not enough”


La Vogherese raises her voice. The Rossoneri club takes a stand on what happened in the regional junior championship match between Casalpusterlengo and Voghe.

The sports judge imposed on Vogherese the loss of the game by 0-3, a fine of 100 euros and a penalty point in the standings because “the Vogherese company communicated to the race director that it would no longer appear for the resumption of the game not sharing the acts of violence ”, as stated in the press release of the Crl.

La Voghe also received the disqualification until November 9 for the junior coach Andrea Cavaliere, while the coach of Casalpusterlengo, Carmine Coluccino was stopped until November 30.

Voghe’s anger is expressed by the Rossoneri patron Oreste Cavaliere, who reconstructs the facts: “After 10 ‘of the match, following a futile squabble on the pitch, my son Andrea, coach of the Voghe junior, was attacked with a punch by the mister of Casalpusterlengo. I have to congratulate Andrea for his behavior. I have always recommended to him, as a son rather than as a coach, to always have respect and education, and Andrea has been exemplary in maintaining self-control. After this unspeakable episode, a climate of excessive tension and nervousness was created on the pitch, we could see that our players were not calm. At that point, at half-time I spoke to them and they all told me that what was happening on the pitch was not approachable to a football match, and so, as a club, we decided to withdraw the team ».

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The invective of President Cavaliere is addressed to the Casalpusterlengo management, who apologized to Voghe through an email, stigmatizing the behavior of the coach Coluccino: «I don’t care about the defeat at the table and the penalty point. Since I have been president of Voghe, I have always been uncompromising on values ​​such as ethics, education and respect. I see that many fill their mouths with beautiful words, such as fair play and correctness, then, but no one does anything concrete. A cowardly gesture, like the punch that the Casalpusterlengo coach gave, must lead to an immediate removal from the football of this person. Casalpusterlengo, if it is a serious club, cannot limit itself to excuses – concludes the patron of the Rossoneri club -, which are useless, but must immediately remove this person ». –


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