Home » The Casteggio trembles, then makes 4 to the City of Vigevano

The Casteggio trembles, then makes 4 to the City of Vigevano

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The Casteggio trembles, then makes 4 to the City of Vigevano


The City of Vigevano dreams of the company with open eyes for more than half an hour, then must surrender to the comeback of leaders Casteggio who wins 4-1 and remains with full points at the top of the Promotion championship standings. The ducals start better: after just one minute, Infantino turns well in the area and kicks, finding Iacchini’s parade in two halves. The hosts try to react, but struggle to shake and so the only attempt at 13 ‘is an unrealistic conclusion by Maruffi who fails to put the Vigevanese defense in difficulty. On the contrary, the guests are energetic and try to surprise the Casteggio.

vigevanesi ahead

They succeeded in the 15 ‘when Migheli serves a delicious assist to Pelli who, alone in front of Iacchini, colds him with a half-height shot that is worth 1-0. Surprise result that however reflects well the progress of the race up to that moment. Vigevano’s outburst continues and at 20 ‘Migheli again serves Robustelli who is forced to kick from a tight angle and his powerful conclusion ends just wide. As the minutes go by, the Casteggio takes on more of the game: the Oltepadana formation when it starts at speed is able to put the City of Vigevano in difficulty, but often the home attackers are imprecise and so the action remains sterile. and not very productive. In the 40th minute, however, Casteggio’s equalizer arrives when the former Migliavacca receives a cross from the right and touches the ball just enough to put the goal in the net that is worth the 1-1. The inertia of the match has now changed and at 44 ‘Casteggio almost doubled: on the development of a corner kick, Migliavacca hits well with his head, but this time the ball slips to the bottom.

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the winning comeback

In the second half the music changes and Casteggio firmly takes the reins of the match: at 6 ‘another fundamental crossroads in the match when Invernizzi clearly pushes Migliavacca into the full penalty area and the match director awards the penalty. Rebecchi shows up from the spot and displaces Nucera and scores 2-1. Downhill race for Casteggio and City of Vigevano which, after an excellent first half, is now in trouble. At 14 ‘still Casteggio with a good shot by Maruffi that does not frame the mirror of the goal, then a minute later Rebecchi makes 3-1 with a volley from twenty meters, a wonderful goal that effectively closes the game. The City of Vigevano tries to react, but only produces a nice shot by Pelli on which Iacchini has to deflect for a corner, then at 31 ‘Casteggio again with a good shot by Cantiello that ends just outside. The fourth goal, however, arrives at 35 ‘when Cantiello takes the lead on a corner beaten by Rebecchi who scores 4-1. –

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